An in-depth Analysis of Digital Library Platforms with a Focus on the DSpace Open-Source Solution

Navghare, Ramakant and Parekh, Yogesh An in-depth Analysis of Digital Library Platforms with a Focus on the DSpace Open-Source Solution. Library Scholar, 2023, vol. 3, n. 1, pp. 36-45. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The study provides a theoretical framework for the Digital Library software and to give readers a better understanding of how to select/use open source software in libraries especially software for digital libraries. Authors found that there have been continuous additions and developments in the management systems for open source libraries, hence there is a need to make an up-to-date comprehensive survey to foster the remarkable development of open source software and its application in academic libraries. DSpace software is one of the OSS for DLs examined in the study.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Digital Library, IDR, DSpace, Digital Library Software
Subjects: J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JG. Digitization.
J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JH. Digital preservation.
L. Information technology and library technology > LJ. Software.
L. Information technology and library technology > LQ. Library automation systems.
Depositing user: Mr. Ramkant Navghare
Date deposited: 07 May 2024 12:52
Last modified: 07 May 2024 12:52


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