Demographic Factors as Predictors of Internet Addiction among Polytechnic Library Users in Nigeria: Effect on Academic Performance

Ejitagha, Stella and Adams, Bernadette Chinasa Demographic Factors as Predictors of Internet Addiction among Polytechnic Library Users in Nigeria: Effect on Academic Performance. Informology, 2024, vol. 3, n. 1, pp. 9-30. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The purpose of the study is to investigate the level of Internet addiction among polytechnic library users in Nigeria and its effect on their academic performance. The study adopted a descriptive design and data was collected from 511 library users in 16 federal polytechnics in Nigeria. The study found that the extent of internet addiction among the federal polytechnic library users' is high, and they use the Internet to engage in activities like social communications such as birthdays, making friends, etc., entertainment & fun, and searching for information. Only a few use the Internet for academic purposes. The results also revealed that more than half of the Federal Polytechnic students engage in different activities on the Internet for more than 2 hours a day, and the majority agree that to a great extent, the excessive use of the Internet for different activities affect their studies. The results also show that male students use the Internet for different online activities than their female counterparts and it affects their studies. Internet addiction has become chronic in the present-day digital world. Therefore, it is necessary to take rectification measures to avoid facing the perils of Internet Addiction. The findings will be useful to education authorities as considering the increasing trend of IA in the recent years, the high prevalence of IA in students therefore calls for authorities to develop a national policy for the use of the Internet among students. If this is not addressed as a priority, the country must anticipate a large population dependent on the Internet, requiring medical attention.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: internet addiction, polytechnic students, online activities, library users, Nigeria
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Dr. Alireza Noruzi
Date deposited: 24 Feb 2025 21:45
Last modified: 24 Feb 2025 21:45


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