Upadhye, Rekha P., Kalyane, V. L., Vijai Kumar, * and Prakasan, E. R. Scientometric analysis of synchronous references in the Physics Nobel lectures, 1981-1985 : a pilot study., 2003 [Preprint]
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English abstract
Scientometric analysis of synchronous references in the nine Physics Nobel lectures by Nicolaas Bloembergen (1981), Arthur L. Schawlow (1981), Kai M. Siegbahn (1981), Kenneth G. Wilson (1982), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1983), William A. Fowler (1983), Carlo Rubbia (1984), Simon van der Meer (1984), and Klaus von Klitzing (1985) indicated high variations: No. of Synchronous References ranged from 24 (Meer) to 283 (Siegbahn); Synchronous Self-References ranged from 5 (Rubbia) to 88 (Siegbahn); synchronous references to others ranged from 10 (Chandrasekhar) to 255 (Wilson); Synchronous Self-Reference Rates ranged from 6.66 % (Rubbia) to 65.51 % (Chandrasekhar); Single-Authored References ranged from 15 (Klitzing) to 160 (Wilson); Multi-Authored References ranged from 4 (Chandrasekhar) to 194 (Siegbahn); Collaboration Coefficient in the synchronous references ranged from 0.14 (Chandrasekhar) to 0.75 (Klitzing); and Recency (age of 50 % of the latest references) ranged from 2 (Klitzing) to 18 (Chandrasekhar) years. Seventy five per cent of the references belonged to journal articles. Highly referred journals were Astrophysical Journal, Physical Review B, Physical Review Letters, Arkiv Fuer Fysik, Surface Science, Physics Letters, and IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. See: Scientometrics Vol. 61 No.1, pp.55-68.
Item type: | Preprint |
Keywords: | Physics Nobel Lectures, Nicolaas Bloembergen, Arthur L. Schawlow, Kai M. Siegbahn, Kenneth G. Wilson, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, William A. Fowler, Carlo Rubbia, Simon van der Meer, Klaus von Klitzing, Scientometrics, Synchronous References |
Subjects: | B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods |
Depositing user: | V. L. Kalyane |
Date deposited: | 06 Jun 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:58 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/4624 |
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