Swarna, T., Kalyane, V. L., Prakasan, E. R. and Vijai Kumar, * Classic-Author Synchronous Self-References: The Knowledge-generating-system at an Individual Scientist Level., 2003 [Preprint]
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English abstract
Quantitative analysis of the events of synchronous references in the research papers followed throughout the publishing career of an individual scientist revealed interesting highlights on the knowledgegenerating-system. In the case study of H. J. Bhabha first quinquennium and fifth quinquennium of his research career had low self-references; third quinquennium and fourth quinquennium had moderate self-references; whereas second quinquennium had highest self-references. The two major clusters of self-references occurring during the second and third quinquennium were indicators of active periods of knowledge-generating and faster communications.
Item type: | Preprint |
Keywords: | Author self-citations; Author self-references; Classic-author; Classic-Author Synchronous Self-References; Classic paper; H. J. Bhabha; Publication productivity; Recency; Synchronous self-citations; Temporal profile of selfreferences; Time-lag |
Subjects: | B. Information use and sociology of information |
Depositing user: | V. L. Kalyane |
Date deposited: | 21 May 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:58 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/4628 |
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