Causal layered analysis of the current state of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in Tehran smart city: the study of information and knowledge organizations

Jafari Baghiabadi, Somayeh, Vasfi, Mohammad Reza, Moradi, Shima and Noruzi, Alireza Causal layered analysis of the current state of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in Tehran smart city: the study of information and knowledge organizations. Iranian Journal of Information Processing and Management, 2025, vol. 40, n. 1, pp. 259-300. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The current research aims to analyze the causes affecting the formation of inter-organizational knowledge (assets) sharing in the information and knowledge organizations located in Tehran's smart city. In terms of the purpose, this research is applied research with a descriptive nature, which was conducted with a mixed-method approach. In the qualitative part, the causes affecting the current state of inter-organizational knowledge sharing of organizations in the field of information and knowledge, such as the National Library and Archives of I.R. Iran, the Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc), the organizations in charge of the public libraries and the university libraries of the country in Tehran was gathered through a semi-structured interview with 14 managers of information and knowledge organizations; In the quantitative part, the identified causes were validated using a researcher-made questionnaire using the Delphi technique (in two rounds) and the consensus opinion of 22 experimental experts. Data analysis was done in the qualitative part using layered causal analysis, and in the quantitative part, descriptive statistics indicators and Excel and SPSS software were used. The analysis of the data from the interviews led to the formation of 104 causes in the form of 39 causes in the litany layer, 25 causes in the systemic layer, 20 causes in the discourse layer, and 19 causes in the metaphor layer; After the second round of Delphi, 90 causes were validated in the form of 31 causes in the litany layer, 25 causes in the systemic layer, 19 causes in the discourse layer and 8 causes in the metaphor layer. In total, the causes of “Bipolar or hierarchical knowledge”, in the metaphor layer and “inability of organizations to resolve conflict of interests” and “lack of necessary infrastructure” in the systemic layer had the highest mean; The causes of “selection of senior managers of information and knowledge centers based on political orientation”, “lack of attention to becoming knowledge-based” and “viewpoint and approach of the organization leader” in the discourse layer had the next mean; The causes of “lack of common/centralized data and knowledge base and platform” and “non-implementation of knowledge management and interorganizational communication” in the litany layer were ranked third in terms of the mean. To solve the problems and challenges of the current state, it is necessary to design and implement scenarios with the priority of creating discourse and changing the metaphors of the actors in this field, focusing on solving the problems caused by the bipolar or hierarchical knowledge metaphor and the discourses of the leadership approach of organizations, the selection of managers, and the knowledge-based approach.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Inter-organizational knowledge sharing, Inter-organizational information sharing, Inter-organizational data sharing, Smart life Smart people, Libraries and Information Centers
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BB. Bibliometric methods
F. Management. > FJ. Knowledge management
Depositing user: Dr. Alireza Noruzi
Date deposited: 06 Feb 2025 07:49
Last modified: 06 Feb 2025 07:49


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