Conceptualizing Security with the Approach of Sustainability and Resilience of the Organization

Hamidzadeh, Mehrdad, Poorebrahimi, Alireza, Toloui Ashlaghi, Abbas and Motadel, Mohammad Reza Conceptualizing Security with the Approach of Sustainability and Resilience of the Organization. Academic Librarianship and Information Research, 2024, vol. 58, n. 2, pp. 87-104. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Objective: This research adopts an approach that conceptualizes security and develops a comprehensive security model using knowledge representation technologies. It aligns with sustainability and organizational resilience within the context of the fifth industrial revolution, aiming to provide a complete overview of the conceptual components of security. Methods: The objectives of this applied research are pursued through a conceptualization approach. To achieve this, the latest version of Protégé software was used to develop the ontology. Additionally, a life cycle process for ontology creation was designed to align with international methods and design science. Furthermore, to create a comprehensive representation, the OntoGraf tool was employed with a focus on organizational resilience. Results: The design of a conceptual model for organizational security requirements, controls, and assets was achieved through ontology engineering using the Protégé tool. This process was based on standards, international frameworks, and the specific conditions and needs of the country. The approach aimed to establish sustainability and resilience within the organization while also creating a comprehensive representation of the conceptual components of security in organizations. Conclusions: In today’s complex environment, smart action is essential. In a large organization like a university, acting intelligently is the most important factor in enhancing competitiveness. Security plays a crucial role across various dimensions of organizations that adopt a smart approach. The field of security is highly dynamic, with new threats constantly emerging. To address these rapidly growing threats, conceptual solutions are needed to enhance organizational security, resilience, and continuity. This research presents the conceptualization and organization of knowledge in security, as well as the creation of a platform for the development and use of common concepts.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: conceptualization, organization, security, security maturity, stability, ontology
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DZ. None of these, but in this section.
Depositing user: Maliheh Dorkhosh
Date deposited: 25 Mar 2025 06:07
Last modified: 25 Mar 2025 06:07


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