Language, Communication and Social Representations [literature reviews]

Ionta, Matteo Language, Communication and Social Representations [literature reviews]., 2004 (Unpublished) [Report]

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English abstract

One of the new roles of the teacher, whether in the humanities or in the scientific, is to provide students with useful tools that allow them to do good literature reviews before starting their work. My topic here is the literature review, in the field of Language, Communication and Social Representations. I am investigating more than one field because nowadays many subjects are linked and the outcomes are kinds of cyborg –subjects or hybrid subjects. My cyborg here is the internet, which simulates a real setting for language discourse. The amazing thing is that this cyborg or electronic setting which reproduces reality becomes as real as the latter. For the field of communication, the subject I have chosen is the relationship between the addressers and the speech acts of the addresses. The first thing to do is to build up proper parameters for my topic research. Then I can start to construct my map which will show my view of literature. Finally I will justify my approach to the topic. I have decided to review these three subjects as I am doing research in these fields. My method will be to select and then to read electronic or paper books in my chosen field, then I will quote them and provide a small abstract which will be more useful to readers. I will handle the information and turn it into concept maps. Finally I will evaluate the strong and the weak points of the concepts I derive from my review.

Item type: Report
Keywords: Literature review, Information Studies Communication
Subjects: C. Users, literacy and reading.
Depositing user: Matteo Ionta
Date deposited: 12 Aug 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:58


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