Mitrić, Marina Baza podataka Mreža biblioteka Srbije. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2002, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 127-136. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The Database - Network of Libraries of Serbia, is designated to gather, process and to make the statistical presentation of Data regarding the Libraries in Serbia. The Database enables the «Parent» Libraries to become more efficient in performing their functions, defined by the Law – such as monitoring/survey and analyze of the situation, needs and conditions of work, within Library activities and services, as well as recommendations of measurements for amelioration and their implementation. The survey and examination of the situation and the Planning of the Development of the Library Network is not only a legal obligation, but also an indispensable precondition for setting up One unique and cooperative Library Information System in Serbia. The Database has been described in details. Library types, for which the data have been collected, are mentioned with the structure of Data. The Table, with the number of Libraries, included in the Network, is given. Data are given according to Library types, individually for each County and in total for Serbia.
Serbian abstract
Baza podataka MBS (Mreža biblioteka Srbije) namenjena je prikupljanju, obradi i statističkoj prezentaciji podataka o bibliotekama u Srbiji, a matičnim bibliotekama omogućava efikasnije obavljanje njihovih zakonom utvrđenih funkcija - praćenje i proučavanje stanja, potreba i uslova rada u bibliotečkoj delatnosti, kao i predlaganje mera za unapređenje i njihovo sprovođenje. Praćenje i proučavanje stanja i projektovanje razvoja bibliotečke mreže nije samo zakonska obaveza, već i neophodan preduslov za izgradnju jedinstvenog i kooperativnog bibliotečko-informacionog sistema u Srbiji. Baza podataka je detaljno predstavljena, navedeni su tipovi biblioteka za koje se podaci prikupljaju i struktura podataka. Data je tabela sa podacima o broju biblioteka koje su obuhvaćene. Podaci su dati prema tipovima biblioteka, pojedinačno za svaki okrug i ukupno za Srbiju.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | Mreža biblioteka Srbije, baza podataka, namena, network of libraries of Serbia, database, functionality |
Subjects: | L. Information technology and library technology |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 18 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:58 |
URI: | |
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