Begenišić, Dobrila ABDOS (Radna zajednica biblioteka i dokumentacionih centara za istraživanje istočne, srednje i jugoistočne Evrope). Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2002, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 203-211. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The working Community of Libraries and Centers of Documentation for research of Eastern, Middle and South East Europe (ABDOS) was founded in 1971, as an informal Association of Directors of German libraries and Institutions, which was engaged in research of Eastern, Middle and South East Europe. The Goal of its foundation was to accelerate the sharing of information between Institutions that are collecting, handling and giving for usage the literature from Eastern Europe, as well as literature about Eastern Europe. Until today, thirty ABDOS Sessions were held. From small meetings, in the beginning, held in Germany, ABDOS turned into renowned Iinternational Association (this year it will be institutionalized). From 1990. Sessions take the rank of Conference, with the participation of Librarians from America and Canada. Since 1984. discussions from Sessions were published in the Codes in the frame of the Collection "Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – PreuLischer Kulturbesitz – Vergffentlichungen der Osteuropa-Abteilung". The Editorial department of ABDOS regularly publishes the Informative Bulletin "Mitteilungen", within Information about changes in Libraries, which are members of ABDOS, and an important part in this bulletin is dedicated to preparations for annual Meetings.
Serbian abstract
Radna zajednica biblioteka i dokumentacionih centara za istraživanje istočne, srednje i jugoistočne Evrope (ABDOS) osnovana je 1971. godine kao neformalno udruženje direktora nemačkih biblioteka i institucija, koje su se bavile istraživanjem istočne, srednje i jugoistočne Evrope. Cilj njenog osnivanja je bio da se ubrza razmena informacija među institucijama koje se bave sakupljanjem, obradom i davanjem na korišćenje literature iz istočne Evrope, kao i literature o istočnoj Evropi. Do danas je održano trideset zasedanja ABDOS-a. ABDOS je od malih savetovanja koja su u početku održavana u Nemačkoj prerastao u renomirano internacionalno udruženje (koje će ove godine doživeti i svoju institucionalizaciju), a zasedanja od 1990. godine poprimaju rang kongresa, čemu je doprinelo i uključivanje u njegov rad i bibliotekara iz Amerike i Kanade. Zbornici sa zasedanja od 1984. godine objavljuju se u zbornicima u sastavu kolekcije „Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preuß ischer Kulturbesitz -Verö ffentlichungen der Osteuropa-Abteilung". Redakcija ABDOS-a redovno izdaje i informativni bilten Mitteilungen", u kome se objavljuju informacije o promenama u bibliotekama članicama, a značajan prostor u ovom biltenu posvećen je pripremama za godišnja savetovanja.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | ABDOS, kongres, medjunarodna saradnja, ABDOS, congress, international cooperation |
Subjects: | H. Information sources, supports, channels. |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 18 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:58 |
URI: | |
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