Svetska digitalna biblioteka - san ili virtuelna stvarnost

Injac, Vesna Svetska digitalna biblioteka - san ili virtuelna stvarnost. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2002, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 235-250. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

In the text are elaborated new terms, linked to the development of the digital, virtual, electronic, hybrid, so called Library without walls. The author gives a brief summary of theoretical statements from the newest world literature about Digital Libraries, as She tries to make a comparative analyze of different definitions and elementary thesis of Digital Libraries. A special attention is consecrate to International Projects of creation of Digital Libraries: The European Library (TEL), Bibliotheca Universalis, Memory of the World (UNESCO). The Summary of the situation, regarding the Development of the Digital Library in the World, prepared by IFLA and UNESCO, is given at the end of the Paper.

Serbian abstract

U tekstu su razmotreni najnoviji termini vezani za razvoj digitalne, virtuelne, elektronske, hibridne, takozvane biblioteke bez zidova. Autor daje kratak pregled teorijskih stavova iz novije svetske literature o digitalnim bibliotekama, kao sto pokusava i da napravi uporednu analizu razlicitih definicija i osnovnih postavki o digitalnim bibliotekama. Posebna paznja posvecena je medunarodnim projektima izgradnje digitalnih biblioteka: Evropska biblioteka (TEL - The European Library), Bibliotheca Universalis, Pamcenje sveta (UNESCO - Memory of the world). Na kraju je dat pregled o stanju razvoja digitalnih biblioteka u svetu koji su zajedno pripremili IFLA i UNESCO.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Digital Library, TEL – The European Library, Memory of the World – UNESCO, Bibliotheca Universalis, digitalna biblioteka
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology
Depositing user: Biljana Kosanovic
Date deposited: 04 Aug 2004
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:58


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