Ugričić, Sreten JUBIN – Status i perspektiva. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2002, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 309-321. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
On the request of the Ministry of Culture and Public Information, of the Republic of Serbia, the Director of the National Library of Serbia has exposed his point of view regarding the actual status and perspectives of the Yugoslav Institute for Bibliography and Information (YUBIN). The text is divided in three fully informative sets. The first part presents the summary of the detected situation, across all important aspects, including the overview of the controversial history, current activities, the method of work and financing of YUBIN. The second part shows the summary of the essential changes in the context, expecting to establish, at the beginning of 2003, a completely new environment. The changes are: constitution of the Union/Central Electronic Catalogue, the disappearance of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, new regulations for Book Department, radical reconstitution of the National Library of Serbia, as the Main Institution of library activities in Serbia. The third part exposes proposals for deliberation of the new Status, with the elaboration of four possible issues for the right solution. The first option represents the legalization of the detected state. The second exposes the re-assignment of existing functions between YUBIN and NLS. And the third option comprises the alternative re-assignment of existing functions, and the forth presents the institutional transformation of YUBIN into an organizational unit of the National Library of Serbia. In the conclusion is the proposal to the Ministry of Culture, to choose one of the proposed issues, having in mind the common interest and all the relevant elements, indispensable for the realization of the chosen solution, and to pledge for the consensus of all actors. In the supplement, again on the request of the Ministry of Culture, the additional information is given, with elements of legal matters for the proposition of the solution from the forth option, the institutional transformation of YUBIN into an organizational and functional unit of the National Library of Serbia.
Serbian abstract
Na zahtev Ministarstva za kulturu i javno informisanje Republike Srbije upravnik NBS je izložio svoje viđenje aktuelnog statusa i perspektive Jugoslovenskog bibliografsko informacijskog instituta (JUBIN). Tekst je podeljen u tri sadržinske celine. Prvi deo iznosi pregled zatečenog stanja po svim bitnim aspektima, uključujući osvrt na kontroverzni istorijat, tekuće poslove i način rada i finansiranja Jubina. Drugi deo iznosi pregled suštinskih promena konteksta, koje se očekuju da već početkom 2003. uspostave potpuno novo okruženje. Te promene su: uspostavljanje centralnog elektronskog kataloga za Republiku Srbiju, nestanak države Jugoslavije, novi propisi koji regulišu sektor knjige, korenita reforma NBS kao matične institucije u bibliotečkoj delatnosti Srbije. Treći deo iznosi predloge za razmatranje novog statusa sa razradom četiri moguće opcije rešenja. Prva predstavlja legalizaciju zatečenog stanja. Druga ide na preraspodelu postojećih funkcija između Jubina i NBS. Treća opcija obuhvata alternativnu preraspodelu postojećih funkcija, a četvrta institucionalnu konverziju Jubina u organizacionu jedinicu Narodne biblioteke Srbije. U zaključku se predlaže Ministarstvu da se opredeli za jednu od ponuđenih opcija, uzimajući u obzir opšti interes i sve relevantne elemente neophodne za realizaciju odabranog rešenja, i zalaže za konsensus svih aktera. U dodatku se, ponovo na zahtev Ministarstva, daje dopunska informacija sa elementima pravne osnove za predlog rešenja iz četvrte opcije, kao institucionalne konverzije Jubina u organizacionu i funkcionalnu jedinicu Narodne biblioteke Srbije.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | Jugoslovenski bibliografski informacijski institut (JUBIN), aktuelni status, perspektive |
Subjects: | H. Information sources, supports, channels. |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 10 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:58 |
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