Intelligent library systems: artificial intelligence technology and library automation systems

Bailey, Jr., Charles W. Intelligent library systems: artificial intelligence technology and library automation systems., 1991 [Preprint]


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English abstract

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses the following general areas of research: (1) automatic programming, (2) computer vision, (3) expert systems, (4) intelligent computer-assisted instruction, (5) natural language processing, (6) planning and decision support, (7) robotics, and (8) speech recognition. Intelligent library systems utilize artificial intelligence technologies to provide knowledge-based services to library patrons and staff. This paper examines certain key aspects of AI that determine its potential utility as a tool for building library systems. It discusses the barriers that inhibit the development of intelligent library systems, and it suggests possible strategies for making progress in this important area. While all of the areas of AI research indicated previously may have some eventual application in the development of library systems, this paper primarily focuses on a few that the author judges to be of most immediate significance--expert systems, intelligent computer-assisted instruction, and natural language applications. This paper does not discuss the use of AI knowledge-bases in libraries as subject-oriented library materials.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction, Natural Language Applications
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology
Depositing user: Charles W. Bailey, Jr.
Date deposited: 09 Jun 2004
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:58


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