Information networks and library co-operation in Indonesia

Sulistyo-Basuki, L. Information networks and library co-operation in Indonesia., 2002 [Report]

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English abstract

Documentation and information networks in Indonesia began in 1971 with the establishment of four information networks in the fields of science and technology, agriculture and biology, health and medicine and humanities and social sciences. It was followed by about 30 information networks, a few which are still functioning as actual information networks while the weakest point is in humanities and social sciences. Union catalogues as a means of information networks have been compiled by various libraries, notably by the National Scientific Information Center (PDII LIPI) and academic libraries; other union catalogues in the form of bibliographic databases have been compiled by state and private universities. Some of those bibliographic databases can be accessed through the Internet and some of the information networks and library co-operation schemes have their own sites.

Item type: Report
Keywords: Indonesia, Academic libraries, Information networks, Internet, Union catalogues
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology
Depositing user: Imam Budi Prasetiawan
Date deposited: 20 Jul 2005
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:58


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