Avramović, Branislava and Klajn, Ivanka Korišćenje elektronskih izvora informacija u Biblioteci matice Srpske. Infoteka, 2003, vol. 4, n. 2, pp. 115-117. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The Referral center (RC) of the Matica Srpska Library (MSL) provides during 2002 information from the following databases: 1. Science Ciation Index – SCI (1945-2002) – for natural sciences, 2. Social Sciences Citation Index – SSCI – (1956-2002) – for social sciences and 3. Arts & Humanities Citation Index – A&HCI (1975-1991, 2000-2002) – for art and literature. The bibliographic information is being obtained since 1985 but records with abstracts are available since 1992. The three science citation indexes cover over 8.400 prestigious and most cited world journals. They can be searched by subject and used for the examination of the researchers' impact factors. These information are accessible on CD-ROMs, Internet (Web of Science), and the DIALOG host. MSL owns many databases on CD-ROMs (AGRIS, AGRIS Caris, UNESCO Databases, FAO Documentation, INDEX Translationum, ProQuest Medical Library, etc.). The DIALOG host enables users to access online and 24 hours a day to million documents stored into 450 databases in different fields. Most of the information are with abstracts only though the full text databases are also available. During 2002, MSL obtained several full text databases for search via Internet: eIFL, Idealibrary, ProQuest Medical Library, Link i Free Emerald. Primary documents acquisition is done in collaboration with British Library Document Supply Centre, and article ordering is performed electronically (through ART – Automated Request Transmission). The MSL Referral Center provides its services to the users of the Novi Sad University and cooperates with many users from around the country.
Serbian abstract
Referalni centar (RC) Biblioteke Matice srpske (BMS) je u 2002. godini u mogućnosti da pruža informacije iz sledećih baza podataka: 1. Science Ciation Index – SCI (1945-2002) – prirodne nauke, 2. Social Sciences Citation Index – SSCI – (1956-2002) – društvene nauke i 3. Arts & Humanities Citation Index – A&HCI (1975-1991, 2000-2002) – umetnost i književnost. Bibliografske informacije se dobijaju od 1985. godine, ali su zapisi sa apstraktima radova na raspolaganju tek od 1992. godine. Ova tri Indeksa naučnih citata obuhvataju preko 8.400 vrhunskih, najcitiranijih časopisa u svetu. Mogu se pretraživati tematski i koristiti za ispitivanje citiranosti radova naučnika. Ove informacije dostupne su na kompakt diskovima, na Internetu (Web of Science) i u hostu DIALOG. BMS poseduje i veliki broj baza na kompakt diskovima (AGRIS, AGRIS/Caris, UNESCO Databases, FAO Documentation, INDEX Translationum, ProQuest Medical Library, itd.) DIALOG omogućava onlajn ulaz u milione dokumenata koji se nalaze u preko 450 baza podataka iz različitih disciplina, a radi sa korisnicima non-stop. Većina informacija je do nivoa apstrakta mada postoje i baze sa punim tekstom. U toku 2002. godine BMS je dobila nekoliko baza sa punim tekstom na Internetu: eIFL, Idealibrary, ProQuest Medical Library, Link i Free Emerald. Nabavka primarnih dokumenata ide preko British Library Document Supply Centre,a porudžbina članaka obavlja se elektronskim putem (ART – Automated Request Transmission). Referalni centar Biblioteke Matice srpske pruža usluge korisnicima Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, a sarađuje i sa mnogim korisnicima širom zemlje.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | elektronski časopisi, Internet, baze punog teksta, bibliografske baze podataka, DIALOG, međubibliotečka pozajmica, referalna zbirka, naučne biblioteke, electronic journals, Internet, full text databases, bibliographic databases, DIALOG, interlibrary loan, referral collection, research libraries |
Subjects: | B. Information use and sociology of information |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 20 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:59 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/5239 |
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