Sto godina spiska prinovljenih knjiga javne biblioteke u Kragujevcu

Stefanović, Mila Sto godina spiska prinovljenih knjiga javne biblioteke u Kragujevcu. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2002, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 89-99. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The Centenary of the existence of the List of newly acquired books of the Public Library of Kragujevac is a motive for researches and the possibility to read attentively the historiography of the first Public Library in Serbia. This archivistic document of great value has compiled the rich history of acquisition and lodging of the library holdings of the most important cultural Institution in Kragujevac, through annotations of newly acquired publications, in the period from September the 12, 1901. to the end of 1950. Through the History of the public Library in Kragujevac, founded in 1866, it is possible to reconstruct the basis of the public librarianship in Serbia. The validity of registered books and records about transfers of librarians during half century, enables the documentary retrospective reading of reader's habits, library holdings and the integrity of the State into the very important segment of the cultural and social life, as the librarianship is in reality.

Serbian abstract

Stogodišnjica postojanja Spiska prinovljenih knjiga Javne biblioteke u Kragujevcu je istraživački povod i jedna od mogućnosti iščitavanja istoriografije prve javne biblioteke u Srbiji. Ovaj arhivski vredan dokument, kroz evidentiranje prinovljenih publikacija u periodu od 12. septembra 1901. godine do kraja 1950. godine, sabrao je bogatu istoriju nabavke i smeštaja knjižnog fonda najznačajnije kulturne institucije u Kragujevcu. Kroz istoriju prve javne biblioteke u Kragujevcu, osnovane 1866. godine, moguće je rekonstruisati temelje javnog bibliotekarstva u Srbiji. Validnost zavedenih knjiga i zapisa o primopredajama bibliotekara tokom pola veka, omogućava dokumentovano retroaktivno iščitavanje čitalačkih navika, knjižnog fonda i ingerencija države u izuzetno važan segment kulturnog i društvenog života, kakvo bibliotekarstvo zapravo jeste

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: spisak prinovljenih knjiga, Javna biblioteka u Kragujevcu, list of newly acquired books, public Library of Kragujevac
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information.
Depositing user: Biljana Kosanovic
Date deposited: 18 Aug 2004
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:59


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