Injac, Vesna and Kosanović, Biljana Projekat retrospektivne konverzije kataloga Narodne biblioteke Srbije. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2002, vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 331-340. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The Project of the retrospective conversion of the Catalogue, meaning the transformation of the card and printed catalogues of the Library, so called historical catalogue, into an electronic database. Namely, an online Catalogue, accessible through Internet for a large group of users, in the country and abroad, is one of the major priority in the Work and Activity of the National Library of Serbia, for the next period. The draft of the Project and the explanation of the main reasons of the initialization of this important Project is given. Beside that, like in any other projects, the goals of the project are explained, as well as, the expected results for each separate phases in the realization of the Project. In the supplements, the details of different phases of the realization of the Project -Retrospective Conversion are described. The elementary sources, from which the conversion and the configuration the database will be performed, are mentioned. A layout of the procedure of the retrospective conversion is given in addition.
Serbian abstract
Projekat Retrospektivne konverzije kataloga, odnosno transformacija lisnih i štampanih kataloga biblioteke, takozvanih istorijskih kataloga, u elektronsku bazu podataka, to jest u onlajn katalog dostupan preko Interneta širokom krugu korisnika u zemlji i inostranstvu, jedan je od prioriteta u radu Narodne biblioteke Srbije u narednom periodu. U tekstu je dat nacrt projekta, kao što su objašnjeni i osnovni razlozi pokretanja ovog značajnog projekta. Pored toga, kao i u svakom drugom projektu objašnjeni su ciljevi projekta i nabrojani očekivani rezultati po fazama realizacije projekta. Navedeni su osnovni podaci o aktuelnom stanju u realizaciji projekta, opisane tehnologije i procedure koje će se koristiti, nabrojani potrebni tehnički, kadrovski i finansijski resursi. U dodacima su detaljno opisane različite faze realizacije projekta retrospektivne konverzije, navedeni osnovni izvori sa kojih će se vršiti konverzija i izgradnja baze podataka. Kao prilog je data i shema procesa retrospektivne konverzije.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | retrospektivna konverzija, projekti – NBS, retrospective conversion, projects – NLS |
Subjects: | I. Information treatment for information services |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 18 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:59 |
URI: | |
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