Stefanović, Olivera Srpska kartografija 19. veka. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2003, n. 1, pp. 99-106. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The Serbian Cartography of the 19. Century, begins with the Rewrited plated Map of Sava Tekelija, from the early beginning of the Century, and ends with the original and scientifical Model of the Work of Jovan Cvijić. The Austrian Cartographers are almost the only and the most important acters of the Representation of Serbia in Geographical Maps, in the first half of the 19. Century, which is certainly in concordance with the historical occurrences. The Maps of Austrian Cartographers exceed significantly in quality and quantity the rest of the Maps of other European Cartographers. German, French and Russian Cartographers, occasionally appearing in the first Plan, did not give any substantial tribute to the development of the Representation of Serbia on Geographical Maps, and they are not carriers of its development in any period. From practical military reasons, the geographical research of Serbia were primarily developed in the Army, where were acquired the most precious experiences. In 1876, the Geographical Department was created, by the Decision of the Serbian Head Quarter, which had the task to make the Map of Serbia in most larger Scale. Thereby, the new period for the Serbian Cartography has begun. The urge Needs of the Society have reinforced the demands for most various Maps, and all the scientifical, expert and technical conditions were already developed to satisfy those demands. A lot of universal Geographical and Thematical Maps of Serbia, made by European Cartographers were published till the end of the 19. Century, but they still did not have any major importance for the development of the Serbian Cartography. In the last quarter of the Century, Serbia was included in the European Cartography, through its own original Works.
Serbian abstract
Srpska kartografija 19. veka, počinje prepisanom bakroreznom kartom Save Tekelije sa samog početka veka, a završava se uzornim, originalnim i naučno zasnovanim delom Jovana Cvijića. Austrijski kartografi su gotovo jedini i najvažniji činioci prikazivanja Srbije na geografskim kartama u prvoj polovini 19. veka, što je u skladu sa istorijskim zbivanjima. Karte austrijskih kartografa po kvalitetu i kvantitetu znatno premašuju karte ostalih evropskih kartografa. Nemački, francuski i ruski kartografi koji povremeno ulaze u prvi plan ne daju bitno obeležje razvoju prikazivanja Srbije na geografskim kartama, i nisu nosioci razvoja ni u jednom njenom periodu. Iz praktičnih vojnih razloga geografska istraživanja Srbije prvenstveno su se razvijala u vojsci, gde su sticana i najdragocenija iskustva. Odlukom srpskog Glavnog Đeneralštaba, 1876. je osnovano Geografsko odeljenje, kome je stavljeno u dužnost da izradi kartu Srbije u što većoj razmeri. Time je nastao novi period za srpsku kartografiju. Sve veće potrebe društva su pojačale zahteve za najraznovrsnijim kartama, a bili su stvoreni svi naučni, stručni i tehnički uslovi da se tim zahtevima udovolji. Do kraja 19. veka izašlo je mnogo opštegeografskih, tematskih karata Srbije evropskih kartografa, ali one više nisu imale značaja za razvoj srpske kartografije. Svojim originalnim radovima, u poslednjoj četvrtini veka, Srbija se uključila u evropsku kartografiju.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | Srbija, kartografija, 19. vek, Serbia, cartography, 19th Century |
Subjects: | A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 25 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:59 |
URI: | |
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