Između izdvajanja i odstranjivanja

Racković, Jasmina Između izdvajanja i odstranjivanja. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2003, n. 1, pp. 137-146. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

In this Article, we have tried to define the question of the Terminology of the sensitive and less explored Problem of the Withdraw and Exclusion of the oddments. Under the term of Withdraw, we mean the reduction of the number of copies, and under Exclusion, we had in mind the removal of the Book Title from the Holdings, which is more delicate and responsible work. According to this, we started from two categories, certainly the most important ones, regarding the Holdings – Usage and Evaluation of the Holdings. The Evaluation is understood dually, from the perspective of the sole Library and from the perspective of its Users. We have mainly used the English and American Professional Literature, because a great number of Authors, from that area, is dealing successfully with this matter, since the middle of last Century. Above all, we had in mind the Public, Popular Libraries, focused on high demanded Literature, with little or without exceptions. The Scale of Values for such Libraries is the percentage of usage of the Holdings and the satisfaction of the Needs of Users. The Final Goal of such approach is the formation of a flexible Holdings, the Incensement of the Usage Effect, the Reduction of the Price for maintenance and release of the space for a new actual book.

Serbian abstract

U članku smo pokušali da definišemo pitanje terminologije, osetljivog i kod nas slabo istraženog problema izdvajanja ili odstranjivanja suvišaka. Pod izdvajanjem suvišaka podrazumevamo smanjenje broja primeraka, dok smo pod odstranjivanjem imali u vidu isključenje samog naslova iz fonda, što je delikatniji i odgovorniji posao. U vezi s tim pošli smo od dve kategorije, nesumnjivo najbitnije kada je fond u pitanju, a to su - korišćenje i vrednovanje fondova. Ta vrednost je shvaćena dvojako: iz perspektive same biblioteke i iz perspektive njenih korisnika. Koristili smo poglavito englesku i američku stručnu literaturu, s obzirom da se od polovine prošlog veka veći broj autora sa tog područja uspešno bavi ovim problemom. Imali smo u vidu pre svega javne, popularne biblioteke, usredsređene na visoko traženu literaturu, sa malo ili nimalo izuzetaka. Merilo vrednosti takvih biblioteka je koliko se fondovi koriste i koliko zadovoljavaju potrebe korisnika. Krajnji cilj takvog pristupa je stvaranje fleksibilnijeg fonda, povećanje efekta korišćenja, smanjenje cene za održavanje i oslobađanje prostora za novu aktuelnu knjigu.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: izdvajanje i odstranjivanje suvišaka, korišćenje fonda, vrednovanje fonda, fleksibilnost fonda, withdraw and exclusion of the oddments, usage of the holdings, evaluation of the holdings, flexible holdings
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services
J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CE. Literacy.
Depositing user: Biljana Kosanovic
Date deposited: 25 Aug 2004
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:59
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/5385


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