Begenišić, Dobrila Obrazovanje i usavršavanje bibliotekara u Nemačkoj. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2003, n. 1, pp. 193-202. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The Concept of Education and Specialization of the Librarians in Germany, is briefly describe in the Paper. The Lectures of the Professor Ute Kraus-Lajher Ph.D, held in the National Library of Serbia, in November, 2003, has served as basis for this Work, complemented with data's from Professional Literature. The educational System in Germany is organized federatively, meaning that each Province has its own educational policy, according to its Needs. The Province Concepts of Education are in accordance with the Framework of the Law for High School Education, which is valid for the entire state of Germany. The program of Studies for Librarianship is presently in the phase of re-organization: some old traditional courses are cancelled, some are associated with others, but most frequently new courses are opened. The Reform of the Education is oriented to the description of the Librarian work, and not to the Institution where he works. The main goals of this Reform are the internationalization of the Studies, the possibility of gradation, the increscent of the transparency of the Studies and the preparation of Students for perpetual learning. A great attention is consecrate to the specialization of Librarians, although there is no unique concept for that in Germany. The organization is in the competence of Provinces or specific Institutions. But in spite all that, the possibilities for specialization are numerous. Various Institutions, Associations and Societies, some Libraries, Professional Schools and Universities are giving the possibility for the Specialization.
Serbian abstract
U radu je u najkraćim crtama predstavljen koncept obrazovanja i usavršavanja bibliotekara u Nemačkoj. Kao osnova za ovaj rad poslužilo je predavanje prof. dr Ute Kraus-Lajhert, održano 1. novembra 2002. godine u Narodnoj biblioteci Srbije, a dopunjen je podacima iz literature. Obrazovni sistem u Nemačkoj je federalno uređen, što znači da svaka pokrajina ima svoju obrazovnu politiku usklađenu sa svojim potrebama. Pokrajinski kocepti obrazovanja su u skladu sa Okvirnim zakonom za visoko školstvo koji važi za celu Nemačku. Program studija za bibliotekarstvo trenutno se nalazi u fazi reorganizacije: neki tradicionalni smerovi se ukidaju, neki se spajaju, a najčešće se otvaraju novi. Reforma obrazovanja se orijentiše na opis posla bibliotekara, a ne na instituciju u kojoj radi. Glavni ciljevi reforme su internacionalizacija studija, mogućnost stepenovanja, povećanje transparentnosti studija i pripremanje studenata za doživotno učenje. Velika pažnja se takođe posvećuje usavršavanju bibliotekara, iako za to u Nemačkoj ne postoji jedinstven koncept. Organizacija je i ovde u nadležnosti pokrajina ili pojedinih institucija. Ali bez obzira na to, mogućnosti usavršavanja su ipak velike. Usavršavanje nude razne institucije, udruženja i društva, pojedine biblioteke, stručne škole i univerziteti, kao i ostale organizacije.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | bibliotekari u Nemačkoj, obrazovanje i usavršavanje, internacionalizacija studija, librarians in Germany, education and specialization, internationalization of the studies |
Subjects: | G. Industry, profession and education. |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 25 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:59 |
URI: | |
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