Božić, Jadranka Jezičke pozajmljenice u sociolingvističkom ključu. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2003, n. 1, pp. 215-230. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The Socio-Linguistical Aspect of Exploring the Language is particularly taking care for the Speaking Differences. The lexical adoption is the subject of the Contact Linguistic, which observes the Area of Language impacts and conflicts, as the results of »Languages and Culture«. The Adoptions represent a very sensitive indicator of the language and non-language Reality of a specific Society. The Reaction against Foreign Words and Language Puritanism are based on prejudices; however, the Foreign Lexic is never noxious especially in circumstances when it contributes to the language understanding and when it fits into the language system of the Receiver. According to inexhaustible and practical Needs of the language telling, especially in the time of universal spiritual and technological/ development of the Modern Civilisation, the roots of the Folk Language Treasure, today are not adequate. Today, sane language sense accepts foreign Words as natural element of the Language, especially when the Terms are in questions. In its development, the Serbian Language was wide open for the Foreign Words, but it preserved its natural, folk shape and uniqueness. Pleading for the Idea of multi-culture and culture differences, we believe, when it is about the Science about the Man/kind and his Language, that it is very important to insist on radical, mixing of forms, on constant persistence regarding the differences, tolerance.
Serbian abstract
Sociolingvističkom aspektu proučavanja jezika svojstveno je vođenje računa o govornoj raznolikosti. Leksičko pozajmljivanje predmet je kontaktne lingvistike koja proučava područje jezičkih dodira i sukoba nastalih kao rezultat jezikâ i kulturâ. Pozajmljenice su izuzetno osetljiv pokazatelj i jezičke i vanjezičke stvarnosti određenog društva. Otpor prema tuđicama i jezički purizam bazirani su na predrasudama; međutim, strana leksika ni u kom pogledu nije štetna ako doprinosi jezičkom sporazumevanju i ako se uklapa u jezički sistem primaoca. S obzirom na neiscrpne potencijalne i praktič ne potrebe jezičkog kazivanja, pogotovo u vreme sveopšteg duhovnog i tehničkog razvitka savremene civilizacije, osnova narodnog jezičkog blaga danas je nedovoljna. Zdravo jezičko osećanje prima danas tuđice kao prirodni element jezika, pogotovo kada su u pitanju termini. U svom razvoju srpski jezik je bio široko otvoren prema pozajmljenicama, ali je zadržao svoj prirodni, narodni lik i osobenost. Pledirajući za ideju multikulturalnosti ili kulturne raznolikosti, smatramo da, kad je u pitanju nauka o čoveku i njegovom jeziku, uporno treba insistirati na neukorenjenosti, mešanju oblika, na stalnom ustrajavanju na različitosti, toleranciji.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | sociolingvistički aspekt proučavanja jezika, pozajmljenice, socio-linguistical aspect of exploring the language, the adoptions |
Subjects: | I. Information treatment for information services B. Information use and sociology of information |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 25 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:59 |
URI: | |
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