Savić, Ana Nova Aleksandrijska biblioteka. Glasnik Narodne biblioteke Srbije, 2003, n. 1, pp. 249-256. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
Last year, in 2002, was the Official Inauguration and Opening of the New Alexandria Library – Bibliotheca Alexandrina, on the very same place where was situated the Ptolemaic Alexandria Library. The Idea to re-build the New Alexandria Library came from the Alexandria University in 1974. and due to efforts of many Organizations, Institutions and Individuals from around the World, and with the great support of UNESCO, the Library for the 21st Century is opened. To Collect and to Organize the overall Human Knowledge and to respond to Demands of the Modern Age, as well to justify the Name and preserve the Spirit of the Past, are the main goals of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The intention in realization of this Project was to build the Leading World Wide Center to re-establish the Dialog, freedom of opinion and to surpass all the differences. Bibliotheca Alexandrina is a cultural complex, where the Library occupies the central place. Although it is primarly a National Institution, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina has immeasurable international importance and its basic mission is to connect all Cultures and to eliminate all Frontiers, in the name of Knowledge.
Serbian abstract
Na istom mestu gde se nalazila Ptolomejeva Aleksandrijska biblioteka 2002. g. je zvanično otvorena nova Aleksandrijska biblioteka – Bibliotheca Alexandrina. Ideja o izgradnji nove Aleksandrijske biblioteke je potekla sa Aleksandrijskog univerziteta 1974. godine i zahvaljujući naporima mnogih organizacija, ustanova i pojedinaca iz celog sveta, a uz podršku Uneska, otvorena je biblioteka za 21. vek. Sakupiti i organizovati celokupno ljudsko znanje i odgovoriti zahtevima modernog doba, a opravdati ime i sačuvati duh prošlosti, osnovni su ciljevi Aleksandrijske biblioteke. Šire posmatrano, u realizaciju projekta se krenulo sa namerom da se napravi vodeći svetski centar uspostavljanja dijaloga, slobode misli i prevazilaženja svih razlika. Bibliotheca Alexandrina je kulturni kompleks u kome centralno mesto zauzima biblioteka. Iako je prvenstveno nacionalna ustanova, Aleksandrijska biblioteka ima nemerljiv internacionalni značaj i njena osnovna misija je povezivanje svih kultura i rušenje svih granica, u ime znanja.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | Aleksandrijska biblioteka – Bibliotheca Alexandrina, podrška Uneska, kulturni kompleks, Alexandria Library – Bibliotheca Alexandrina, support of UNESCO, cultural complex |
Subjects: | D. Libraries as physical collections. |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 25 Aug 2004 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:59 |
URI: | |
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