Citation analysis of LANL High-Energy Physics E-Prints through Science Citation Index (1991-2002)

Prakasan, E. R. and Kalyane, V. L. Citation analysis of LANL High-Energy Physics E-Prints through Science Citation Index (1991-2002)., 2004 [Preprint]

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English abstract

This investigation provides evidence that e-prints are an integral component of the scholarly communication of physicists. This was especially shown to be the case for the area of high-energy particle physics. The magnitude of importance is perhaps even greater than reported as the data collected from the Science Citation Index (SCI) are likely to be an underestimation, the reason may be because of the coverage of journals by SCI and the reason for the citations for the e-print archives after publication may be the absence of details in the records of e-print archives. The present study shows only the trends analysis. Among the e-print archives studied in the four different categories of high-energy physics at least 39 percentages have cited at least once from each category in Science Citation Index (1991-2002). The over all Gini’s Coefficient was found to be 0.65. The minimum average citation to the e-print archives in the four categories was 2.73. The citing patterns of highly cited e-print archives vary widely. More than 60-70 percentages of citations are received immediately after posting the e-print archives on the site. The high-energy physics e-prints are cited heavily up to they have published in formal sources. The Impact Factors of journals citing high-energy physics e-print archives are very high. The citing journals are very important and influential in their respective domains. Physics Letters B, Physical Review D, Nuclear Physics B, Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, Physical Review Letters, Modern Physics Letters A, Nuclear Physics A, and Classical and Quantum Gravity are some of the most influential citing journals in the field. They are coming in some order in the highly citing journals in the four categories. There is not much relation with the Impact Factors and the number of times cited e-print archives. The number of authors citing high-energy physics e-print archives is increasing yearly by a factor of around 1.25 increasing in the ratio. The Lotka’s Law (normally is being applied for publication productivity of authors) is almost holds hood for the information use by authors in the case of citing high-energy physics e-print archives. There are many authors who are citing all the four categories of LANL high-energy physics e-print archives. USA, Italy, Germany, Japan, England, Russia, and Switzerland are the countries occurring in the affiliation of authors citing e-print archives frequently. The researchers from these countries are more utilizing the services of LANLs high-energy physics e-print archives. The current results also show that the level of the use and importance of e-prints to physicists because they only measure the use of e-prints by the journal literature and not the e-print literature as itself. Scientists are virtually replacing regular journal reading with daily consultation of LANL’s e-print archives. This study particularly highlights the importance of e-prints to high energy particle physicists. This microcosm within the physics community appears to be unique in its quest for up-to-the-minute research findings and in its willingness to share data before it has undergone the time honored peer review process. This self-monitoring, informal peer review by the high energy particle community ensures that the quality of their e-prints is of high caliber thereby validating the importance of e-prints in the cycle of scholarly communication. Despite the many advantages of e-prints including: immediate; modifiable; updateable; inexpensive; unlimited size, their use has yet to overtake that of traditional journals [Brown, 2001b]. This may be a result of the policy of many journal editors and publishers disallowing manuscripts already published electronically [Harter and Park 2000; Brown 2001b; Wilkinson 2001]. In parallel, Harter [1998] found that electronic journals, which possess the same advantageous qualities as e-prints, plus the added bonus of peer-review, have not yet made a significant impact on printed journal usage. Nonetheless, many agree with Boyce [2000] that "preprint servers are here to stay" as evidenced by their growth in other scientific disciplines [Koenig 2000; McConnell and Horton 1999; Eysenbach 2000].

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: Scientometrics, SCI,CITATION ANALYSIS, LANL, HIGH-ENERGY PHYSICS, E-PRINTS, SCIENCE CITATION INDEX ,scholarly communication ,high-energy particle physics,trends analysis,Gini’s Coefficient,Physics Letters B, Physical Review D, Nuclear Physics B, Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, Physical Review Letters, Modern Physics Letters A, Nuclear Physics A,Classical and Quantum Gravity , Lorenz Curve,and Lotka's Law,Impact Factors ,USA, Italy, Germany, Japan, England, Russia, Switzerland ,up-to-the-minute Physics R&D , OpCit,OAI
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
Depositing user: V. L. Kalyane
Date deposited: 26 Aug 2004
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:59


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