Usability evaluation of the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust Library web site

Ebenezer, Catherine Usability evaluation of the South London and Maudsley NHS Trust Library web site., 2002 MSc project thesis, University College, London. [Thesis]

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English abstract

A usability evaluation was carried out of the recently-launched South London and Maudsley NHS Trust library web site using a variety of standard methodologies: content and design evaluation of selected comparable sites, focus groups, a questionnaire survey of library and web development staff, heuristic evaluation, observation testing, card sorting/cluster analysis, and label intuitiveness/category membership testing. All test participants were staff of or providers of services to the trust. Demographic information was recorded for each participant. Unsuccessful attempts were made to evaluate user feedback, and to compare usability test results with usage statistics. Test participants’ overall responses to the site were enthusiastic and favourable, indicating the scope and content of the site to be broadly appropriate to the user group. Numerous suggestions for new content areas were made by testers. Usability problems were discovered in two main areas: in the organisation of the site, and in the terminology used to refer to information services and sources. On the basis of test results, proposals for a revised menu structure, improved accessibility, and changes to the terminology used within the site are presented.

Item type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Keywords: web usability evaluation, library web site, health libraries, clinician information use
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology
H. Information sources, supports, channels.
B. Information use and sociology of information
Depositing user: Ms Catherine Ebenezer
Date deposited: 20 Sep 2004
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 11:59


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