Autori znanstvenih radova i autorsko pravo

Pažur, Ivana Autori znanstvenih radova i autorsko pravo. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2004, vol. 47, n. 1-2, pp. 95-108. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

Scientists as authors have different attitude towards copyright, as opposed to authors of fiction and other publications, which is mostly based on different publishing motives. The dominant publishing model of scientific papers is still based on scientists' willingness to publish without payment as well as to sign away their copyright to the publisher. As a result the authors are often unable to use their papers later, not even for educational purposes. Research of Croatian publishers of scholarly journals and their acceptance and attitude towards alternative, new publishing models (preprint and postprint archives as well as personal web pages), has shown that a great number of publishers are not well-acquainted with the new models and have no clear attitude towards them. The majority has also not yet incorporated these models in their copyright policy. According to the results, 74% of Croatian publishers do not allow preprint publication (preprint archive or web page), but on the other hand postprint publishing postprint archive or web page) is allowed in 65%.

Croatian abstract

Znanstvenici u ulozi autora drugačije se odnose prema autorskom pravu nego autori beletristike i ostale literature, što je u najvećoj mjeri uzrokovano drugačijim motivima objavljivanja radova. Prevladavajući model u objavljivanju znanstvenih radova znanstvenike primorava na odricanje od autorskog prava i njegovo prepuštanje izdavaču, što ima za posljedicu situaciju u kojoj autori ne mogu slobodno raspolagati svojim radovima ponekad čak ni u edukacijske svrhe. Ispitivanje hrvatskih izdavača znanstvenih časopisa i njihovog odnosa prema alternativnim oblicima objavljivanja znanstvenih radova (u elektroničkim arhivima (preprint i postprint) i na osobnim mrežnim stranicama) pokazalo je da mnogi izdavači takve oblike nedovoljno poznaju te da u svojoj izdavačkoj politici nisu jasno definirali stav prema njima. Rezultati su pokazali da većina izdavača ne dopušta neki oblik objavljivanja rada (preprint arhiv, mrežna stranica) prije samog objavljivanja u časopisu (74 posto), no s druge strane velik broj izdavača dopušta objavljivanje u postprint arhivima i na mrežnoj stranici nakon objavljivanja u časopisu (65 posto).

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: autorsko pravo, znanstvenici, mrežne stranice, elektronički arhivi, preprint arhivi, postprint arhivi, samoarhiviranje; copyright, scientists, web pages, eprint archives, preprint archives, postprint archives, self-archiving
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues.
Depositing user: Damir Pavelic
Date deposited: 16 Dec 2004
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:00


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