Higher Education and ICT in the Information Society: A Case of the University of the Western Cape

Mlitwa, Nhlanhla Boyfriend Higher Education and ICT in the Information Society: A Case of the University of the Western Cape., 2005 . In Community Informatics Research Networks (CIRN), Cape Town (South Africa), 22-27 AUGUST 2005. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

That universities can, and should play a key role in the development of an Information Society has become a critical theme within intelligentsia. This paper examines whether, and how the use of ICT for academic purposes in higher education institutions is contributing to the development of an Information Society in South Africa, as suggested by the National Plan on Higher Education. Efforts of the University of the Western Cape – to integrate ICT into teaching and learning are discussed and the motivations outlined. A recent document analyzing whether the motivations documented in institutional policies are being put into practice is used to show whether the institution is walking the talk. Finally, the vision of the institutional strategy is compared with the suggestions of the National Plan on what higher education institutions should do to contribute to the development of an Information Society. It is concluded that in terms of the working definition of IS used in this paper, and in terms of the outcomes of its investigation, that UWC’s efforts are in line with both the suggested objectives of a higher education system of the Green Paper on Higher Education of 1996, and do support the development of an Information Society as recommended by the National Plan on Higher Education.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Information Society, Knowledge Society, Higher Education, ICT, Educational Technology, ICT Adoption and Use, University of the Western Cape (UWC), Globalisation
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LZ. None of these, but in this section.
Depositing user: Nhlanhla B. W. Mlitwa
Date deposited: 04 Jul 2005
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/6402


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