ШКОЛА ЗА ИНФОРМАТИКУ И БИБЛИОТЕКАРСТВО НА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТУ СЕВЕРНE КАРОЛИНE, ЧЕПЕЛ ХИЛ, САД = School of Information and Library Science at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - Institutions

Radovanovic, Danica ШКОЛА ЗА ИНФОРМАТИКУ И БИБЛИОТЕКАРСТВО НА УНИВЕРЗИТЕТУ СЕВЕРНE КАРОЛИНE, ЧЕПЕЛ ХИЛ, САД = School of Information and Library Science at The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill - Institutions. Infoteka, 2004, vol. 5, n. 1-2, pp. 137-176. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The School of Information and Library Science seeks to advance the profession and practice of librarianship and information science, to prepare students for careers in the field of information and library science, and to make significant contributions to the study of information. Faculty members further these goals by teaching and advisory work, by research and scholarly publication, and by services to the school, the University, the state, and the professional community. Currently ranked as number one in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, SILS consistently takes a leadership role in today's ever-changing information and library science landscape.

Serbian abstract

Смештена у центру кампуса на Универзитету у Северној Каролини, Чeпел Хил, Школа за информатику и библиотекарство (School of Information and Library Science - SILS) ужива углед због обезбеђивања високо квали-тетних образовних и истраживачких могућности у динамичном, интердисциплинарном окру-жењу за стицање знања. Тренутно рангирана као број један у Америци (према извору U.S. News & World Report), SILS заслужено има водећу улогу у данашњем динамичном информационо-библи-отечком окружењу.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: LIS schools, LIS education, Academic libraries, E-projects, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC-United States
Subjects: G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Danica Radovanovic
Date deposited: 08 Sep 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/6497


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