Institutional Shaping of Cultural Memory: Digital Library as Environment for Textual Transmission

Dalbello, Marija Institutional Shaping of Cultural Memory: Digital Library as Environment for Textual Transmission. Library Quarterly, 2004, vol. 74, n. 3, pp. 265-298. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The emerging trends in digital(ized) collection development from 1997 are examined using a sample of projects accessible through web-based registries of the Association of Research Libraries and Digital Library Federation. The analysis focuses on thematic repertoire, narrative structuring, underlying historiographic principles, presentation, and the context of institutionalization combining empirical and interpretive approaches, to understand how digital libraries are involved in the production of knowledge and how memory institutions are currently shaping this record in the digital environment. Digital collections are presently showcasing material so far restricted to scholarly uses, making it available for broader educational purposes. Nevertheless, they resemble the sixteenth- and the seventeenth-century cabinets of curiosities in their limited ability to support scholarship or address information needs of defined communities of users. Programmatic statements for developers in conclusion of the study suggest ways for improving the usability of these emerging textual environments, while recognizing new uses for the collections.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: digital library development, 1997-2003; institutional isomorphism - digital library development; digital libraries as narrative contexts; knowledge creation in the digital domain; cultural memory - tradition and innovation
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information.
Depositing user: Marija Dalbello
Date deposited: 10 Sep 2005
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:01


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