Enabling the information commons

Bradley, Fiona Enabling the information commons., 2004 . In ALIA Biennial Conference (2004 : Queensland), Queensland (Australia), 21-24 September 2004. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

As more libraries embrace the term 'information commons' to name services and symbolise their mission, this paper explores the meaning of the concept in Australia and the US. The public library as we know it was founded on principles of providing free access to all. This is now threatened by the growth of information as commodity, and has led many to question the controls and costs of information in society. This paper examines threats that emerge from commercialisation, legislation, funding, and the changing role of libraries. The responses to these threats by libraries, individuals and organisations are detailed. Projects and alternative models that aim to protect the information commons are discussed. This paper asks if libraries should be political about this issue, and what the consequences of such action may be on funding, intellectual freedom, trust and communities. What steps can librarians take to ensure access to information for all individuals in the future? Do the information commons represent a new direction for librarianship, or a renewed emphasis on traditional values?

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: information commons, open access, copyright, Creative Commons
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > ED. Intellectual property: author's rights, ownership, copyright, copyleft, open access.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BD. Information society.
Depositing user: Fiona Bradley
Date deposited: 30 Sep 2005
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/6725


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