Let us really promote the development of the Mexican public libraries

Muela-Meza, Zapopan Martín Let us really promote the development of the Mexican public libraries. Library Juice, 2001, vol. 4, n. 25. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

This paper is sustained by a literature review with the aim to synthetise concepts and ideas in a clear, simple and critical proposal attempting to cooperate with the development of the Mexican public libraries. It criticizes the social and economic inequalities which translate into inequalities of information and its technologies to access it. It states that the problem of the development of public libraries should be acknowledged from the root, stated as it is in order to obtain a clear vision which enables librarians to look for fundamental changes to such problem, and not superficial ones. It argues that librarians should advocate towards a fundamental transformation in the ways they perceive libraries and in the ways they commit themselves for the welfare of its users and themselves as library workers. It presents a proposal with alternatives towards the research and implementation of public policies for a socially equitable development of the Mexican public libraries.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Mexico, Public libraries, Public policies, Public libraries development.
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BF. Information policy
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DC. Public libraries.
Depositing user: Zapopan Martín Muela-Meza
Date deposited: 07 Oct 2005
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:01
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/6750


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