Central and local government policies and social exclusion

Dutch, Martin . Central and local government policies and social exclusion., 2000 In: Open to All? : the Public Library and Social Exclusion. London: Resource: The Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, pp. 189-204. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

This paper gives an overview of the impact of social exclusion on national and local government policies since 1997. First, it analyses how government has viewed poverty issues since 1945, focusing on the post-1979 Conservative administration. Th political consensus of 1945-1979 had limited achievements in terms of equality and in 1979-1997 an intentional strategy of inequality was pursued, driven by a desire to cut state intervention and public spending. The paper then describes local government’s response to national policy in the latter period, notably through anti-poverty work in urban authorities, whilst also referring to the under-use of local services by the poor. The Labour Government elected in 1997 is then discussed, with three policy strands identified: morality; work ethic within post-monetarist neo-liberalism (rather than redistribution) and an emphasis on the multi-dimensional nature of the problem (which requires ‘joined-up solutions’). Overall, a centralised, directional approach is identified, with initiatives in a number of policy areas. Criticisms of new Labour’s agenda are reviewed, such as its espousal of equality of opportunity, rather than equality. Here, the paper concludes with Levitas’s view that the political framework within which social exclusion operates itself precludes a more equal society. Observations for public libraries are made, relating to opportunities for libraries to realign services to local needs and the impact of Government emphasis on partnership and consultation (November, 1999).

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: central government, local government, policies, public libraries, social exclusion, United Kingdom
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BC. Information in society.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BF. Information policy
F. Management. > FG. Local government.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DC. Public libraries.
Depositing user: Zapopan Martín Muela-Meza
Date deposited: 23 Jan 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:02
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/7124


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