Stipčević, Aleksandar Tiskari kao cenzori u Hrvatskoj : 1945.-1990. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2005, vol. 48, n. 3-4, pp. 1-15. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
During the 45 years of Communist regime in Croatia a very particular form of censorhip had been devised and practised by employees of printing houses. No law or regulation had presupposed or allowed the workers to have a say on whether a particular manuscript should be published or not. However, despite that fact, from the early onset of Communist ruling, the workers in some printing houses refused to print books, magazines and newspapers of religious, "counter-state", "subversive" and similar contents, without waiting for an official court ruling against the publication of such materials. Thus in 1945 the workers refused to print the magazine entitled The Voice of the People – of Humanity, Freedom and Justice issued by the regime-opposed Croatian Farmers’ Party. Next followed numerous other "self-governed" decisions of typographers and graphic workers. Thus workers refused to publish a Split-based magazine The Criticism (1954), as well as magazines such as Croatian Literary Journal (1968), Croatian Weekly (1971), philosophy serial Praxis (1975), a novel by Jozo Laušić entitled The Monastery (1972) etc. Many of the publications rejected by the workers had never been officially censored by the court rulings. There had been many such examples, particularly during the first decades of the "self-governing socialism" in the cases where publications contained religious topics and similar "undesirable ideas". In fact, workers of the printing houses had never been allowed by their superiors to make any form of decisions, nor would the Communist Party allow such incentives. The decisions on not printing a particular publication had been made behind the closed doors during the meetings of the higher party committees, to be proceeded down (in the form of a phone call) to the party committees operating within the printing houses, and who were then obliged to call a workers’ meeting, i.e. a meeting of the self-governing bodies of the printing-house, where the actual decisions on refusing a manuscript would in turn be "made".
Croatian abstract
U vrijeme komunističke vladavine razvio se u Hrvatskoj poseban oblik cenzure koji su provodili radnici u tiskarama. Nijedan zakon ili propis nije predviđao, niti dopuštao radnicima da odlučuju hoće li tiskati ponuđeni rukopis ili ne. No, unatoč toj činjenici već od samog početka komunističke vladavine radnici u nekim tiskarama odbijaju tiskati knjige, časopise i novine vjerskog, "protunarodnog", "subverzivnog" i sličnog sadržaja, ne čekajući da o tome svoj pravorijek donese nadležni sud. Tako su 1945. godine radnici odbili tiskati list Narodni glas – čovječnosti, slobode i pravice što ga je počela izdavati opozicijska Hrvatska seljačka stranka. Uslijedile su brojne druge takve "samoupravne" odluke grafičkih radnika. Tako su radnici odbili tiskanje splitskog časopisa Kritika (1954.), pa listove Hrvatski književni list (1968.), Hrvatski tjednik (1971.), filozofski časopis Praxis (1975.), roman Samostan Joze Laušića (1972.) itd. Mnoge publikacije koje su radnici odbili tiskati nisu nikada bile sudskim putem zabranjene. Takvih je primjera bilo mnogo, posebice kada se radilo o vjerskim knjigama i drugim publikacijama u prvim desetljećima "samoupravnog socijalizma". Ustvari, radnici u tiskarama nisu nikada i ni o čemu odlučivali, niti bi im to partijski organi dopustili. Odluke o netiskanju neke publikacije donosile su se na zatvorenim sastancima viših partijskih komiteta, a potom su se prosljeđivale (najčešće telefonskim putom) partijskim komitetima u samim tiskarama, a ovi su onda sazivali skup radnika, odnosno samoupravna tijela tiskare na kojima su se "donosile" odluke o odbijanju nekog rukopisa.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | cenzura, tiskari, Hrvatska; censorship, printers, Croatia |
Subjects: | E. Publishing and legal issues. > EF. Censorship. |
Depositing user: | Damir Pavelic |
Date deposited: | 18 May 2006 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:03 |
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