Petronijević, Miliša Južni Sloveni u Kongresnoj biblioteci u Vašingtonu. Glas biblioteke, 2005, n. 12, pp. 75-84. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
Three buildings of the Library of Congress keep the original material of all nations of the world which also apply to the South Slavs. In addition to the data of history and operation of the Library of Washington the author gives a survey as how the books are being obtained from the states of the former Yugoslavia and how the civil war of nineties of the last century has roused a more intense interest for the Balkans on one side and has broken the paths of books on the other side. How the Croats place their books and how it is done by the Public Library of Chachac?
Serbian abstract
U tri zgrade Kongresne biblioteke pohranjen je izvorni materijal svih naroda sveta, pa i Južnih Slovena. Osim podataka o istorijatu i radu vašingtonske biblioteke, autor opisuje kako se nabavljaju knjige iz država bivše Jugoslavije i kako je građanski rat devedesetih godina prošlog veka na jednoj strani izazvao pojačano interesovanje za Balkan, a na drugoj prekinuo puteve knjige. Kako plasiraju svoju knjigu Hrvati, a kako to čini čačanska biblioteka?
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | Kongresna biblioteka, Vašington, Južni Sloveni, srpska knjiga, Jugoslavija, Narodna biblioteka Srbije, Čačak, Gradska biblioteka „Vladislav Petković Dis“, Library of Congress, Washington, South Slavs, Serbian book, Yugoslavia, National Library of Serbia, Chachac, Public Library "Vladislav Petkovich Dis" |
Subjects: | B. Information use and sociology of information > BG. Information dissemination and diffusion. |
Depositing user: | Biljana Kosanovic |
Date deposited: | 12 Jun 2006 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:03 |
URI: | |
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