Nature and use of library history

Raman Nair, R. Nature and use of library history., 1994 . In National Seminar on Library Movement and Library Development in India: 39nth All India Library Conference, Bangalore, Directorate of Public Libraries, January 7-10, 1994. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Library systems like other social systems are the result of a long evolution extending over centuries. So the study opines that library movement of a specific region or the system can be fully understood only through an analysis of the influences that reached it through time and space. It is an accepted fact that knowledge of what has happened in the past is essential for our progress into the future, avoiding the mistakes of our predecessors, adopting methods that have proved successful and pursuing paths that have already been cleared for us. So the paper suggests that the history of the profession should form the basic ingredient of study of library and information science. For the library professionals this will enable them to understand the gradual advance and some times decline of various movements and systems, and to base the future on sound foundations. We can take advantage of past experience, and learn from the mistakes of others instead of repeating them. The paper concludes stating that the subject of historical enquiry into a profession is the profession itself.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Library History Historiography Uses
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information.
B. Information use and sociology of information
Depositing user: R. Raman Nair
Date deposited: 22 Jun 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:03


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