Čučić, Vesna Prvi tiskari u Dubrovniku: s popisom tiskane građe. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2005, vol. 48, n. 3-4, pp. 108-158. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
In spite of several attempts, Dubrovnik (Ragusa) did not have a print shop of its own until the end of the 18th century. Nevertheless, the lack of print shop at home did not pre-vent Ragusans from printing many of their works in different European cities. The earliest printers in Dubrovnik appeared only at the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century. The fact that they were foreigners proves the European nucleus in Dubrovnik and its links to Europe. The Venetian Carlo Antonio Occhi founded the first print shop in Dubrovnik in 1783. With his plan to expand the booksellers’ market to all parts of Croatia, he announced the spirit of Croatian pre-National Revival, but too early. Soon he went bankrupt and his typographer, Andrea Trevisan, took over his business. Publishing policy to print old and new Ragusan authors in Croatian language (founded but not accomplished by the first printer, Carlo Antonio Occhi), did unfortunately not meet with much success throughout the period of the Dubrovnik Republic. It had finally been partly achieved by Antonio Martecchini and partly by his son Peter, but only after the fall of the Republic. The article contains the inventory of the books printed in the first three Ragusan print shops, thus connecting two, or rather, three political periods of Dubrovnik: the period of autonomy during the Republic of Dubrovnik and the period of occupation, first of French and then of Austrian administration that followed after the fall of the Republic. The aim of this work is to reveal the publishing policy of the earlier Ragusan printers and publishers but also to reveal the social and historical conditions of book production on the Croatian territories during the time of pre-National Revival. The printing activity is viewed in the context of the cultural, social, and political life in Dubrovnik.
Croatian abstract
Dubrovnik, usprkos nekim pokušajima, nije dobio tiskaru sve do pred kraj 18. st. No, nedostatak tiskare kod kuće nije Dubrovčane priječio da tiskaju mnoga djela u europskim gradovima. Prvi dubrovački tiskari bili su stranci, dokaz europskog nukleusa u Dubrovniku i povezanosti s Europom. Mlečanin, Carlo Antonio Occhi osniva prvu tiskaru u Dubrovniku tek 1783. godine. Svojim planom širenja knjižarskog tržišta na sve hrvatske prostore, nagovijestio je pretpreporodni duh, no preuranjeno. Ubrzo je financijski propao, a posao je nastavio njegov tipograf, Andrea Trevisan. Izdavačka politika, tiskati stare i nove dubrovačke autore na slovinskom, tj. hrvatskom jeziku, koju je postavio, ali nije uspio ostvariti prvi tiskar, Carlo Antonio Occhi, uopće nije bila ostvarena u doba Republike. Ostvarili su je dijelom Antonio Martecchini, a dijelom njegov sin Petar i to tek po ukinuću Dubrovačke Republike. Rad objedinjuje popise publikacija prvih triju dubrovačkih tiskara i time povezuje dva, odnosno tri politička razdoblja u Dubrovniku: doba samostalnosti za vrijeme Republike; i doba okupacije, najprije francuske, a potom austrijske koje su uslijedile po propasti Dubrovačke Republike. Cilj rada je iznijeti na vidjelo izdavačku politiku prvih dubrovačkih tiskara-izdavača, ali i društveno-povijesnu uvjetovanost djela tiskanih na hrvatskim područjima u pretpreporodnom razdoblju. Tiskarska djelatnost promatra se u kontekstu kulturnog, društvenog i političkog života u Dubrovniku.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | povijest tiskara u Dubrovniku, kraj 18. i početak 19. st., popis knjiga; history of print shops in Dubrovnik, end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th century, book inventory |
Subjects: | E. Publishing and legal issues. > EZ. None of these, but in this section. |
Depositing user: | Damir Pavelic |
Date deposited: | 28 Aug 2006 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:04 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/8040 |
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