Katić, Mirisa Marina Battara, prva zadarska tiskarica: 1770.-1859. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2005, vol. 48, n. 3-4, pp. 159-184. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
Marina Battara, born Anić, the widow of a printer and bookseller Antonio Luigi Battara, had managed the company from 1817 to 1831. It had been the only typography in Zadar until 1823 when a rival typography Demarchi had been founded. Battara continued her successful management until 1831 and then handed the business formally over to her sons, but in reality her name appears in documents until the middle of the 1830s. She was one of the prosperous women entrepreneurs who operated at the beginning of the 19th century in Zadar, as had also been the case in other towns across Croatia. The aim of this paper is to show that already during the 19th century women in Croatia had been capable of mastering the professions traditionally associated with men. Based on documents found in Zadar State Archives, the paper also gives an outline of the social-political life of the town in the first half of the 19th century, as well as of the economic circumstamces in the Croatian province of Dalmatia, from the fall of the Venetian Republic’s rule, a short period of the first Austrian administration, French domination and the first few decades of the second Austrian government. This turbulent era, marked by the onset of the middle class bourgeoisie in Dalmatian towns clearly reflected on the family and public life of women who proved no less successful than their male colleagues. The fact that 643 publications had been printed in Battara’s typography during the 14 years of her management, now preserved at the library of The State Archives in Zadar and The Zadar Research Library, shows also that she managed to print more publications than her better-known husband who had been in charge of the typography for the 14 preceding years.
Croatian abstract
Marina Battara, rođena Anić, udovica tiskara i knjižara Antonija Luigija Battare, vodila je jedinu zadarsku tiskaru i knjižaru od 1817. do 1823. godine kada s radom počinje i konkurentska tiskara Demarchi. M. Battara je, svladavajući usputne zapreke, nastavila uspješno poslovanje do 1831. godine. Tada tiskaru formalno predaje svojim sinovima, a stvarno se u spisima pojavljuje do sredine 1830-ih godina. Ona je bila još jedna od žena uspješnih poduzetnica koje su djelovale početkom 19. stoljeća u Zadru kao i u drugim gradovima Hrvatske. Svrha je ovoga rada pokazati da su žene vodile i one poslove koji su tradicionalno pripadali muškarcima. U radu je, prema dokumentima iz zadarskog Arhiva, prikazan i društveno-politički život Zadra u prvoj polovici 19. stoljeća i gospodarske prilike u hrvatskoj pokrajini Dalmaciji od pada Mletačke Republike, kratkog razdoblja prve austrijske uprave, francuske uprave i prvih desetljeća druge austrijske uprave. To burno razdoblje razvoja građanskog sloja u dalmatinskim gradovima obilježilo je obiteljski i poslovni život žena koje nisu bile ništa manje uspješne od svojih kolega. O tome svjedoči i podatak da su do danas u Knjižnici Državnog arhiva u Zadru i Znanstvenoj knjižnici u Zadru sačuvane 643 publikacije tiskane u njenoj tiskari, a to je više nego što je tiskao njezin suprug koji je tiskaru vodio četrnaest godina kao i Marina.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | povijest zadarskih tiskara, žene u hrvatskom tiskarstvu, Marina Battara, Državni arhiv u Zadru; history of printing (typography) in Zadar, women in Croatian typography, Marina Battara, State Archives in Zadar |
Subjects: | E. Publishing and legal issues. > EZ. None of these, but in this section. |
Depositing user: | Damir Pavelic |
Date deposited: | 28 Aug 2006 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:04 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/10760/8041 |
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