Bezić, Nada Koncertni programi i plakati u Zbirci arhivske građe Hrvatskoga glazbenog zavoda u Zagrebu: 1852.-1918. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske, 2005, vol. 48, n. 3-4, pp. 272-299. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
The archives of the Croatian Music Institute (CMI) in Zagreb hold the biggest collection of concert programmes in Croatia, numbering some 9000 items. For the purposes of this paper, about 580 programmes and 38 posters have been analyzed, dating from the period between 1852 (the oldest programme with the name of the printer) and 1918. Programmes have been sampled from the following collections: the CMI collection of concert programmes, the Croatian Singing Society "Kolo", Milan Stahuljak (a composer), and the private collections of music lovers Ladislav Mihalović, Marta Šipuš and Branka Lunaček. There are 404 programmes containing the information about the printer. Results show that 23 printers in Zagreb have been identified (major printers include Ljudevit Gaj, Dragutin Albrecht, Ignjat Granitz and Franjo Bogović), and 18 printers across 12 other cities in Croatia. Some printers cooperated with the music societies over a longer period of time, or even held permanent membership. Programmes had been printed in bigger editions than is the case today, with a number of stores taking part in announcing concerts, distributing programmes and selling tickets. Along with the basic information about the concert, programmes from the period around 1900 begin to include texts with biographic information about the performers, the compositions, translations of songs, instructions for the audience, advertisements etc. Regarding typographic design, programmes had various types of letters and ornaments, using colours, and by the end of the 19th century also photographs. Distinguished Croatian artists have contributed to the design of some concert programmes and posters.
Croatian abstract
Zbirka arhivske građe Hrvatskoga glazbenog zavoda (ZAG HGZ) u Zagrebu sadrži najveću zbirku koncertnih programa u nas, s oko 9.000 jedinica. Za rad je analizirano oko 580 programa i 38 plakata iz razdoblja od 1852. (tj. godine najstarijeg programa s nazivom tiskara) do 1918. godine. Programi su iz zbirke programa HGZ-a, Hrvatskoga pjevačkog društva "Kolo", skladatelja Milana Stahuljaka i ljubitelja glazbe Ladislava Mihalovića te Marte Šipuš i Branke Lunaček. Na 404 programa postoji podatak o tiskaru, pa su tako identificirana 23 tiskara u Zagrebu (najzastupljeniji su Ljudevit Gaj, Dragutin Albrecht, Ignjat Granitz i Franjo Bogović), te 18 tiskara u 12 drugih gradova Hrvatske. Neki su tiskari dugoročno surađivali s glazbenim društvima ili čak bili njihovi članovi. Prema nekim pokazateljima, programi su se tiskali u većoj nakladi nego danas, a oglašavanje koncerata (distribucija programa i letaka), kao i prodaja karata, odvijala se i u raznim trgovinama. Uz osnovne podatke o koncertu, programi oko prijelaza stoljeća počinju donositi i tekstove s biografskim podacima o izvođačima, komentare skladbi, prijevode pjesama, upute publici za praćenje koncerta, reklamne oglase i dr. U grafičkom dizajnu bili su obogaćivani raznim vrstama slova i ornamenata, uporabom boje, a pred kraj 19. st. i fotografijama. U izradi nekih programa i plakata sudjelovali su istaknuti hrvatski likovni umjetnici.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | Hrvatski glazbeni zavod, koncertni programi, koncertni plakati, tiskarstvo u Hrvatskoj, glazbeni život Zagreba, glazbeni život u Hrvatskoj; Croatian Music Institute, concert programme, concert poster, printing in Croatia, music life in Zagreb, music life in Croatia |
Subjects: | E. Publishing and legal issues. > EZ. None of these, but in this section. |
Depositing user: | Damir Pavelic |
Date deposited: | 28 Aug 2006 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 12:04 |
URI: | |
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