Academic libraries in India : a present-day scenario

Mahajan, Preeti Academic libraries in India : a present-day scenario. Library Philosophy and Practice, 2005, vol. 8, n. 1. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

Education aims to impart knowledge and makes good citizens. Libraries are the repositories of knowledge and form an integral part of education. Libraries have a long history, starting with the chained and closed-access libraries of earlier times to the present-day hybrid, digital, and virtual libraries that use the latest technology for provision of information through various services. Accordingly, librarians have also changed from storekeepers who were concerned with protection of books against theft, mutilation, and pilferage, to that of information officers, navigators, and cybrarians who find themselves in the vast ocean of reading material and are busy in satisfying their clients who want anytime and anywhere information. With the advent of computers, the nature of libraries has changed dramatically. Computers are being used in libraries to process, store, retrieve and disseminate information. As a result, the traditional concept of library is being redefined from a place to access books to one which houses the most advanced media including CD-ROM, Internet, and remote access to a wide range of resources. Libraries have now metamorphosed into digital institutions. Gone are the days when a library was judged by its quantitative resources. Today, libraries are surrounded by networked data that is connected to a vast ocean of Internet-based services. Moreover, electronic resources relevant to the professions are developing at an unprecedented pace. Academic libraries are considered to be the nerve centres of academic institutions, and must support teaching, research, and other academic programmes. The situation in academic libraries of India is the same as that of academic libraries the world over; however, Indian libraries must provide maximum information with limited resources.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: Academic Libraries, Library consortia, INFLIBNET, UGC, INDEST, India
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HP. e-resources.
Depositing user: Rupak Chakravarty
Date deposited: 18 Sep 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:04



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