L’intégration physique du conseiller en documentation à un département

Harvey, Serge and Gauthier, Marie-Claude L’intégration physique du conseiller en documentation à un département., 2006 (Unpublished) [Report]

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English abstract

Paul-Émile-Boulet Library at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) has, for some years now, been applying a policy of outreach of its professional resources to different departments of this academic institution. This survey presents an evaluation of this practice by the professors and researchers of the Department of economics and administrative sciences at UQAC, where this practice has been used for the last 5 years.

French abstract

La Bibliothèque Paul-Émile-Boulet de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC) poursuit depuis quelques années une politique de délocalisation physique de ses ressources professionnelles auprès des départements de cette institution académique. L'enquête présentée ici porte sur une évaluation de cette pratique par les professeurs et chercheurs du Département des sciences économiques et administratives de l'UQAC où celle-ci a cours depuis maintenant près de 5 ans.

Item type: Report
Keywords: Outreach, Department, Faculty, Librarian, Subject specialist, On-site services, Roving librarian, Embedded librarian, Outpost librarian, Outreach librarian, Higher education institution, University, Library-faculty cooperation
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DD. Academic libraries.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis.
F. Management. > FA. Co-operation.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BA. Use and impact of information.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BC. Information in society.
F. Management.
B. Information use and sociology of information
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CD. User training, promotion, activities, education.
C. Users, literacy and reading.
Depositing user: Gilles Caron
Date deposited: 30 Sep 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:04
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/8164


Ashton-Pritting, Randi Lynn (2003). ¨Interorganizational and interpersonal challenges for library partnerships in higher education.¨ Hartford, University of Hartford, 2003.

242 p. Dissertation.

Bridges, Karl (2003). ¨Expectations of librarians in the 21st century.¨ Westport, Libraries Unlimited, 2003. 256 p.

Budd, John M. (2005). ¨The changing academic library: operations, cultures, environments, publications in librarianship no. 56.¨ Chicago, Association of College and Research Libraries, 2005. v, 323 p.

Kelsey, Paul et Sigrid Kelsay (2004). ¨Book groups in the dorm? Outreach services in academic and special libraries.¨ New York, Haworth Press, 2004. 243 p.

Kraat, Susan B., ed. (2005). ¨Relationships between teaching faculty and teaching librarians.¨ New York, Haworth Press, 2005. xiv + 182 p. avec index.

Langevin, Louise et Catherine Gagnon(2005). ¨La formation des formateurs aux compétences informationnelles : rapport de recherche dans le cadre du projet sur les compétences informationnelles de l’UQ. Montréal, FODAR. Document accessible à l’adresse suivante: http://bibvir1.uqac.ca/archivage/24731301.pdf

Rubin, Richard E. (2004). ¨Foundations of library and information science, 2nd edition.¨ New York, Neal-Schuman Publishers Inc., 2004. 525 p.

Akeroyd, John (2001). ¨The future of academic libraries¨. ASLIB proceedings, 53-3: 79-84.

Anonyme (1996). "Guidelines for behavioral performance of reference and information services professionals." American Library Association, Reference and User Services Association publications, 36-2: 200-203.

Archer, S. B. et M. Cast (1999). ""Going Where the Questions Are": Using Media To Maintain Personalized Contact in Reference Service in Medium-Sized Academic Libraries." Reference Librarian, 65: 39-50.

Discusses approaches to reference services in academic libraries in light of new technologies and emphasizes the need to maintain the personal element, based on experiences at Northeastern State University (Oklahoma). Topics include roving librarians; desktop video conferencing; Internet media and the World Wide Web; and remote users. (LRW)

Arnold, Stephen E. (2004). ¨Information boundaries and libraries¨. The Electronic Library, 22-2: 110-111.

Bourbonnais, Louise (2003). ¨Entre le centre et la périphérie : la communication¨. Argus, 32-3 : 25-28.

Bruce, Christine (2001). ¨Faculty-librarianship partnerships in Australian higher education: Critical dimensions¨. Reference Services Review, 29-2: 106-115

Burroughs, Catherine M. (2004). ¨Evaluation in health information outreach programs¨. Reference Services Review, 32-1: 64-68.

Carlson, Scott (2001). "The Deserted Library." Chronicle of Higher Education 48-12: A35-A38.

Explores how, as more students work online, some scholars wonder if something important is being lost in the abandonment of the college library. (EV)

Carter, Elizabeth W. (2002). ¨¨Doing the best with what you have:¨ Lessons learned from outcome assessment¨. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 28-1: 36-41.

Chiste, Katherine Beaty, Andrea Glover et Glenna Westwood (2000). ¨Infiltration and entrenchment: Capturing and securing information literacy territory in academe¨. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 26-3: 202-208.

Dewey, Barbara I. (2004). ¨The embedded librarian: strategic campus collaborations¨. Resource Sharing and Information Networks, 17-1/2: 5-17.

Dilmore, D. H. (1996). "Librarian/Faculty Interaction at Nine New England Colleges." College & Research Libraries 57-3: 274-84.

This study examined librarian/faculty interaction at nine small college libraries and explored librarian outreach activities: serving as experts, informing others, attending social functions, serving on committees, monitoring communication networks, knowing about campus activities, and providing library instruction. Found that quality of the library collection and interpersonal contact were the strongest predictors of faculty perceptions and use of library services. (PEN)

Donham, Jean et Corey Williams Green (2004). ¨Developing a culture of collaboration: librarian as consultant¨. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 30-4: 314-321.

Ducas, A. M. and N. Michaud-Oystryk (2003). "Toward a New Enterprise: Capitalizing on the Faculty/Librarian Partnership." College & Research Libraries 64-1: 55-74.

Describes a study that explored the interaction between academic librarians and faculty at the University of Manitoba, the impact of librarian's contributions, and the future roles of librarians. Highlights include teaching and instruction; information services; information technology; research; collections; and the willingness of faculty to collaborate more with librarians. (Author/LRW)

Elturk, Ghada (2000). ¨Community and cultural outreach services at Boulder Public Library.¨ Colorado Libraries, 26-3: 13-15.

Engel, D. and K. Antell (2004). "The life of the mind: A study of faculty spaces in academic libraries." College & Research Libraries 65-1: 8-26.

The value of the academic library as "place" in the university community has recently been debated in the popular and scholarly library literature, but the debate centers on student use of library space rather than faculty use. This study addresses the issue of faculty use of library space by investigating the use of "faculty spaces"-individual, enclosed, lockable carrels or studies-through a series of interviews with faculty space holders at the University of Oklahoma and a survey of ARL libraries. Both elements of the investigation show that faculty spaces are heavily used and highly valued by faculty members, especially those in the social sciences and humanities. The researchers present the results of the interviews and the survey, and explore the reasons for the continuing value of faculty spaces in the age of electronic information.

Fabian, C. A., C. D'Aniello, et al. (2003). "Multiple Models for Library Outreach Initiatives." The Reference Librarian 39-82: 39-55.

Fama, Jane et al. (2005). ¨Inside outreach: a challenge for health sciences librarians.¨ Journal of the Medical Library Association, 93-3: 327-337.

Farber, Evan (1999). ¨Faculty-librarian cooperation: a personal retrospective.¨ References Services Review, 27-3: 229-234.

Fister, B. (2002). "Fear of Reference." Chronicle of Higher Education 48(40): B.20.

Grafstein, Ann (2002). ¨A discipline-based approach to information literacy.¨ The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 28-4: 197-204.

Graham, John B. (2004). ¨Outreach programs beyond the immediate university community.¨ Library Management, 26-3: 113-122.

Hollister, Christopher (2005). ¨Bringing information literacy to career services.¨ Reference Services Review, 33-1: 104-111.

Hooks, James D et Frank Corbett Jr. (2005). ¨Information literacy for off-campus graduate cohorts : collaboration between a university librarian and a Master’s of education faculty.¨ Library Review, 54-4: 245-256.

Jardine, Carolyn W. (1995). "Maybe the 55 Percent Rule Doesn't Tell the Whole Story: A User-Satisfaction Survey." College & Research Libraries 56-6: 477-85.

A survey at the University at Albany (New York) on user satisfaction with reference services gathered information on behavioral characteristics of librarians: interest, confidence, friendliness, and enthusiasm, as well as on patron comfort and overall satisfaction. Analysis of the data (n=100) indicates that user satisfaction depends on more than the accuracy with which their questions are answered. (PEN)

Julien, Heidi and Lisa M. Given (2003). "Faculty-librarian relationships in the information literacy context: A content analysis of librarians' expressed attitudes and experiences." Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science-Revue Canadienne Des Sciences de l’ Information Et De Bibliothéconomie 27-3: 65-87.

Cyberspace offers a glimpse of librarians' unscripted ideas on how best to work with faculty in designing and implementing information literacy opportunities. Information literacy listservs, in particular, provide librarians opportunities to discuss teaching styles, technology, classroom management, and other topics, in the context of their relationships with teaching faculty. Common points of discussion include positive working interactions, complaints about faculty attitudes, or frustrations with faculty members' course assignments-and all have implications for the success of information literacy programs. By examining librarians' expressed attitudes and experiences, librarians, library students and LIS faculty may gain an understanding of those issues that facilitate (or hinder) positive working relationships, and offer potential solutions to individuals engaged in information literacy education. This paper investigates the discourse of librarians discussing their relationships with teaching faculty in postings to the Bibliographic Instruction / Information Literacy Instruction Listserv (BI-L/ILI-L) over the past seven years. The authors' unique standpoint as both trained librarians and full-time library school faculty, informs the analysis by balancing an empathetic perspective of librarians' expressed views, with an "insider" look at the lived-experience of teaching faculty. By isolating postings that reflect librarian-faculty relationships, the paper explores: a) the ways that librarians frame their relationships with faculty; and b) librarians' perceptions of faculty members' attitudes towards librarians, information literacy and pedagogy. These themes are examined in light of Social Positioning Theory, in order to explore the impact of librarians' social constructions of themselves and teaching faculty on information literacy instruction. The paper concludes with suggestions that may ameliorate the felt gap between librarians and faculty, in order to benefit those individuals both groups must reach-students.

Kalsbeek, Katherine, Anne O’Shea et Christina Sylka (2005). ¨Proposal for roving librarian at UBC.¨ Reference and Instruction Committee, University of British Columbia Library.

Kearns, Katherine (2005). ¨A collaboration between faculty and librarians to develop and assess a science literacy laboratory module.¨ Science and Technology Libraries, 25-4: 39-56.

Korobili, Stella et Irene Tilikidou (2005). ¨The necessity of information literacy education in a marketing department.¨ New Library World, 106-1218/1219: 519-531.

Kotter, Wade R. (1999). "Bridging the Great Divide: Improving Relations between Librarians and Classroom Faculty." Journal of Academic Librarianship 25-4: 294-303.

Articulates a rationale for seeking improved librarian-faculty relations based on a comprehensive literature review, and explores methods for evaluating the quality of librarian-faculty relations. Highlights include ways to involve faculty in library programs, involving librarians in classroom activities, increasing faculty awareness of library services, and supporting faculty research. (Contains 70 references.) (Author/LRW)

Kraemer, E. W., D. J. Keyse, et al. (2003). "Beyond These Walls: Building a Library Outreach Program at Oakland University." The Reference Librarian 39-82: 5-17.

Kuchi, Triveni et al. (2004). ¨Librarians without borders: reaching out to students at a campus center.¨ Reference and User Services Quarterly, 43-4: 318-325.

Lee, Jennifer, K. Alix Hayden, et al. (2004). ""I Wouldn't Have Asked for Help if I had to go to the Library": Reference Services On Site." Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship(Fall 2004).

Students may be reluctant to ask questions at a library reference desk because it is such a public venue. It may be possible to give them an alternative by providing reference services outside of the library within a faculty lab or office. Advantages include convenience and proximity to students, faculty, and their learning communities. The service may also foster closer and stronger relationships with departments. It is important to choose a location wisely, as well as advertise widely. This paper examines the provision of reference services outside of the traditional library environment, and describes two initiatives involving librarians for the Faculty of Nursing and the Faculty of Science at the University of Calgary.

Leonard, W. P. (1994). "Libraries without Walls - Field Service Librarianship." Journal of Academic Librarianship 20-1: 29-30.

Lockerbie, Robin, Divina Lynch et al. (2004). ¨Collaboration and information literacy: Challenges of meeting standards when working with remote faculty.¨ Journal of Library Administration, 41-1/2: 243-253.

Ludwig, Logan et Susan Starr (2005). ¨Library as a place: results of a Delphi study.¨ Journal of the Medical Library Association, 93-3: 315-326.

Markgraf, Jill S. (2002) ¨Collaboration between distance education faculty and the library: One size does not fit all.¨ Journal of Library Administration, 37-3/4: 451-464.

McDuffee, Diana (2004). ¨Area Health Education Center (AHEC) outreach librarian.¨ Reference Services Review, 32-1: 69-73.

Moore, Melissa (2004). ¨Reeling ‘Em in: How to draw teaching faculty into collaboration relationships.¨ Resource Sharing and Information Networks, 17-1/2: 77-83.

Mozenter, Frada, B. T. Sanders, et al. (2000). "Restructuring a Liaison Program in an Academic Library." College & Research Libraries 61-5: 432-40.

Discusses academic library liaison programs and describes the restructuring of a liaison program at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte to help strengthen the relationship between the library and the teaching faculty. Also reports results of a survey of selected departments that assessed the effectiveness of reference librarians as liaisons. (Author/LRW)

Nims, Julia K. (1998). "Meeting students on their own turf." Research Strategies 16-1: 85-89.

Owusu-Ansah, Edward K. (2001) ¨The academic library in the enterprise of college and universities: toward a new paradigm.¨ The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 27-4: 282-294.

Peyton, Gail et Philip G. Bonfanti (2005). ¨Library campus outreach collaboration at Mississipi State University.¨ Mississipi Libraries, 69-1: 11-12.

Rader, Hannelore B. (2001). Cooperative Ventures between the University and the Library. Libraries and librarians: making a difference in the Knowledge age.

Council and general conference: Conference program and proceedings. (67th, Boston, MA, 16-25 Août 2001)

This paper describes initiatives at the University of Louisville (Kentucky) as an example of a successful scenario where, through a variety of partnerships, the libraries have become more central in the campus teaching and learning community. The first section describes faculty-librarianship partnerships, including initiatives related to information literacy, distance education, faculty development, a writing center, higher education opportunities for UPS (United Parcel Service) employees, research support, and assessment. The second section addresses partnerships in the health sciences, including initiatives with the hospitals and the IAIMS (Integrated Advanced Information Management System) grant for informatics. The third section covers partnerships on campus, including partnerships with student groups, a partnership with the information technology department, and Metroversity (i.e., a consortium of academic institutions to support higher education and workforce development). The fourth section briefly notes a partnership with General Electric Appliance Park. The fifth section discusses partnership with other libraries, including initiatives related to professional education, managerial training, and information literacy training. The sixth section mentions the Kentucky Virtual Library, a statewide library partnership. (MES)

Rader, H. B. (2004). "Building faculty- librarian partnerships to prepare students for information fluency: The time for sharing information expertise is now." College & Research Libraries News 65-2: 74-6, 80, 83, 90.

Reeves, L., C. Nishimuta, et al. (2003). "Faculty Outreach: A Win-Win Proposition." The Reference Librarian 39-82: 57-68.

Reichardt, R. (2006). ¨Guerilla marketing of the academic library: experience from the engineering realm.¨ Présentation Powerpoint faite lors de l’OLA Superconference, 4 février 2006.

Reichardt, R. (2003). ¨Response to the question: Does your library offer remote reference information services?¨ The Engineering library blog, adresse: http://stlq.info/2003/04/responses_to_the_question_does_1.html

Roth, L. (1999). "Educating the Cut-and-Paste Generation." Library Journal, 124-18:


Discusses teaching information literacy in academic libraries and describes programs developed at California State University that considered new technologies; changing student characteristics, enrollment patterns, and skills; determining authenticity and quality of information sources, particularly on the Internet; curriculum development; faculty-librarian partnerships; assessing information competency; information outreach; and fostering critical thinking. (LRW)

Russell, S. (2000). Teachers and Librarians: Collaborative Relationships. ERIC Digest. Access ERIC: FullText. New York, ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, Syracuse, NY.: 4.

Although library literature reflects more than two decades of interest in collaborative planning between library media specialists and teachers, and although library media specialists are well-trained to perform in this capacity, there are still fewer examples of instructional partnerships than may be expected. However, commitment to the goal remains strong. This ERIC digest focuses on the research literature addressing these collaborative relationships, noting the results of a study by the Library Service Center of the Colorado State Library which offer the most recent support for library media specialists and teachers working collaboratively, as well as a significant number of prior studies that indicate a positive relationship between the library media program and academic achievement. Following a definition of collaboration, the roles of each partner and the benefits, conditions favorable to collaborative partnerships are outlined in terms of administrative and interpersonal factors. (Contains 25 references.) (AEF)

Sanborn, L. (2005). ¨Improving library instruction: Faculty collaboration.¨ The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 31-5: 477-481.

Scherrer, Carol S. (2004). ¨Reference librarians’ perceptions of the issues they face as academic health information professionals.¨ Journal of the Medical Library Association, 92-2: 226-232.

Schneider, Tina (2003). ¨Outreach: Why, how and who? Academic libraries and their involvement in the community.¨ Reference Librarian, 82: 199-203.

Seamans, N. H. and P. Metz (2002). "Virginia Tech's Innovative College Librarian Program." College & Research Libraries, 63-4: 324-32.

Describes a program developed at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) libraries that moved librarians from the centralized main library to college departments that are not served by branch libraries. Topics include remote access capabilities; librarians' roles, including reference librarian, instructor, Web master, faculty colleague, and computer technician; and administrative benefits. (LRW)

Shen, Zhijia (2000). ¨When technology transforms research methodology: the role of librarians in reforming the curriculum.¨ Reference Services Review, 28-4: 360-368.

Stebelman, S., J. Siggins, et al. (1999). "Improving Library Relations with the Faculty and University Administrators: The Role of the Faculty Outreach Librarian." College & Research Libraries 60-2: 121-30.

At George Washington University, the position of faculty outreach librarian was created to educate faculty and university administrators on the role of information technology in research and teaching, and to enhance their support for new electronic resources. Discussion includes how that position evolved, the projects initiated, and outcomes that have led to revised marketing strategies. (Author/AEF)

Stumpf, Julia C. (2003). ¨Providing medical information to College Health Center personnel: a circuit librarian service at the University of Illinois.¨ Journal of American College Health, 52-2: 88-91.

Swaine, C. W. (1999). Paving the Way for Collaboration between Librarians and Faculty. Access ERIC: FullText. Virginia: 7.

This paper summarizes some of the traditional, as well as newer, ways that academic librarians can interact with faculty and thereby demonstrate what they have to offer in future collaborative efforts. Examples are drawn from the author's experience at Old Dominion University (Virginia). Highlights include: university service, including librarians serving on the faculty senate, committees, task forces, and interest groups; communications, including library newsletters; workshops, seminars, and forums for faculty and graduate students; events for new faculty, including participation in university-wide orientation; library instruction, including course-related library instruction and learning communities; collection development, including librarian attendance at faculty meetings of departments; new services, including digital services; work with other service units on campus, including creating World Wide Web-based courses, teaching on television, other nontraditional teaching and learning methods, beginning computer skills workshops for students, and term paper assistance; and social gatherings. (MES)

Trump, J. F. and I. P. Tuttle (2001). "Here, there, and everywhere: Reference at the point-of-need." Journal of Academic Librarianship, 27-6: 464-466.

Ury, Connie et Carolyn Johnson (2003). ¨Reference beyond the walls of the library : interacting with faculty and students in the 21st century.¨ The Reference Librarian, 83/84: 203-218.

Valentine, B. (1993). "Undergraduate Research Behavior: Using Focus Groups to Generate Theory." Journal of Academic Librarianship, 19-5: 300-04.

Reports on a study of the attitudes toward and skills in conducting library research among undergraduate library assistants. The use of focus groups and individual interviews is described; theories of undergraduate research behavior are discussed; and further research is suggested. (Contains eight references.) (LRW)

Wagner, A. Ben (2004). On-site reference services and outreach: Setting up shop where our patrons live. Sci-Tech Contributed Papers for the 2004 SLA Conference. En ligne à l’adresse : http://www.sla.org/division/dst/2004%20Outreach%20Conpaper.pdf.

Xu, F. Grace (2006). ¨Library service at the ¨paperless¨ information center.¨ Collection Building, 25-2: 61-65.


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