Experienced Web Users’ Search Behavior: Effects of Focus and Emotion Control

Kim, Kyung-Sun Experienced Web Users’ Search Behavior: Effects of Focus and Emotion Control., 2005 . In 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), Charlotte, NC (USA), 2005. [Conference poster]

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English abstract

This study investigates how users’ cognitive and affective characteristics influence the navigational and search behaviors on the Web among experienced Web users. Sixty-seven undergraduate students participated in the study. Two standardized tests and a questionnaire were used to collect information on the participants’ cognitive style, problem-solving style, and demographics. Factor analysis was performed on the scores from the two standardized tests (Group Embedded Figures Test and Problem Solving Inventory), and extracted two user factors (Focus Control and Emotion Control). The Focus Control factor seemed to influence users’ navigational behaviors, such as the use of links and back buttons, whereas the Emotion Control factor affected search behaviors including keyword searching, and also search performance measured by precision and recall.

Item type: Conference poster
Keywords: Web search behavior; Experienced users; Cognition; Affect
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BI. User interfaces, usability.
Depositing user: K.-Sun Kim
Date deposited: 13 Nov 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:05
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/8382


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