Systems of information and surveillance of occurrences in bioterrorism

Damasio, Edilson Systems of information and surveillance of occurrences in bioterrorism., 2005 . In 9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas, Salvador, 2005 september 20 - 23. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

The present article exposes the types of systems of information for the detected of occurrences of syndromes, denominated Syndromic Systems. It identifies the importance of systems of information for the control of diseases, through the automatic detection, seeking the monitoramento of occurrences of diseases (outbreaks) in certain group. Through the detection of occurrence of syndromes it can identify a high number of occurrences of diseases or outbreaks in a certain area, zip-code, city or State. These systems are being a lot used in the USA for evaluation of outbreaks, that can be resulted of Bioterrorism. Discusses the need of planning to the implantation of systems of information integrated & quot;Syndromics & quot; and with data aquisition in Real-Time, through the union and creation of protocols of data, centralized by the organs public of surveillance and being constituted of the data of hospitals, clinics, public-health laboratories. So that it can collect and to classify the information of occurrences of diseases in a certain territory. It is used of the theories of the collection of data through two points, the received data of through standardized releases and the received data (through & quot;Reports & quot;) and other surveillance system based on Knowledge (Knowledge-Based Surveillance Systems), they analyze the content of the registrations (through the sweeping of the text and data). It presents the systematic of operation of the (RODS - Real-team Outbreak and Disease Surveillance System) and systems for knowledge. Used and tested by U. S. (CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The main objective of the article is to present some systems of surveillance of information and its operation for the control of the outbreaks occurrences of bioterrorism. Through an up-to-date bibliographical revision

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Information System; Biosurveillance; Bioterrorism; Medical Informatics
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HL. Databases and database Networking.
I. Information treatment for information services > IF. Information transfer: protocols, formats, techniques.
Depositing user: Edilson Damasio
Date deposited: 23 Nov 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:05


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