Establishment of Kerala Agricultural University Campus Wide Information System and Network: Feasibility Report

Raman Nair, R. and Bhagi, Surya N. K. Establishment of Kerala Agricultural University Campus Wide Information System and Network: Feasibility Report., 1995 [Report]

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English abstract

A Feasibility Report prepared by Centre for Agricultural Informatics in 1995 on establishing a Campus Network for Kerala Agricultural University’s (KAU) main campus (at Vellanikkara, Thrissur) and a state-of-the art Electronic Data Complex in its University Library premises. For the dissemination of topical awareness and global information to those in agricultural sector of the State, KAU needs to build a Campus LAN and state-of-the art Agricultural Digital Library and Data Complex within its central library. This can become a show case of the electronic age in agriculture and allied disciplines and will promote, propagate and catalogue the agricultural economy that India is so dependent on. The data complex will be a cached repository of agricultural information available worldwide, besides acting as a data silo for research forums, concurrent research, electronic publishing and global bulletin boards. The scattered campuses of KAU and allied institutions also need to be linked through electronic bridges that enable spontaneous exchange of information between the agricultural Diaspora of students, faculties, researchers, extension workers and administrators. The report covers mandate of the proposed system, detailed discussion on computer and communication stack that KAU Campus Wide Information System and Network needs, the architecture prescription, network design, MultiStack and DEChub 900 options available, host environment, financial terms, implementation methodology, installation support continuum, network synthesis and integration, systems engineering support, time frames and the administrative arrangements required. Open Network, with Protocol Switching and Networked Systems Management based on Digital's enVISN Networking Architecture and Enterprise Management Solutions is recommended. Detailed Technical literature and specifications of each and every item of computer and communication stack and solution recommended is appended to the report. Even though the report was prepared in 1995 it can be of interest for critical studies on history of ICT development in India especially in agricultural sector and for comparison of quality of systems and recommendations of a specific time in the past.

Item type: Report
Keywords: campus wide information system, Kerala Agricultural University Library, KAULNET, KAULIS, Centre for Agricultural Informatics, CAGI, CIRD, KAU, architecture, network design, multi-stack solution, hub, network synthesis integration, systems engineering, time frames, DEC, JVC, TODD, Jukebox, CDServer, Digital UNIX, multi-switch, repeater, router, Alpha, SNMP, Remote, Routeabout access, Internet, networking
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HL. Databases and database Networking.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DH. Special libraries.
L. Information technology and library technology > LN. Data base management systems.
L. Information technology and library technology > LQ. Library automation systems.
F. Management.
L. Information technology and library technology > LA. Telecommunications.
L. Information technology and library technology > LB. Computer networking.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HK. Online hosts.
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: R. Raman Nair
Date deposited: 22 Dec 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:05


Kerala Agricultural University. Annual Report 1994-95. Thrissur, the author, 1995.

Raman Nair, R. Computer Application to Library and Information Systems. New Delhi, Ess Ess, 1990.

Raman Nair, R. Kerala Agricultural University Library and Information System (KAULIS): Vision 2020. Thrissur, KAULIS, Mimeographed. 1995.


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