IT and education, the case study of e-learning in Indonesia

Sulistyo-Basuki, L. IT and education, the case study of e-learning in Indonesia., 2007 . In Korea-ASEAN Academic Conference on Information Revolution and Cultural Integration in East Asia, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, January 25-26, 2007. (In Press) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

E-learning in Indonesia began in mid-nineties with the advent of internet preceded by information technology introduction to Indonesia in late 70s and early 80s. However, those e-learning initiators hit hard by the economic and political crises which hit Indonesia in 1997s until early 21st century. Beginning the year 2000, many organizations took the initiatives to conduct e-learning in their environments, in spite of the economic crises. Based on a survey towards about 60 e-learning sites, the author found some constraints. First, the infrastructure which does not support the learning. Out of 223 million people., only 20 million own fixed telephone facilities, a must-prerequisite to access remote e-learning facilities. Using the cellular phones for internet connection is out of question as it is very expensive; on the other hand the Internet subscriber in Indonesia is limited. In 2004 there are 1,3 million internet subscribers with 14 million users. Second, on content management. Although the majority of e-learning operators are higher education institutions, there is no standard in the contents. While the contents are aimed to university students, the contents are not always reaching the academic intellectual standards. Third, there is no coordination in conducting the e-learning. The pre- and post Soeharto presidency (1998) marked the paradigm from centralized to decentralized university administration. The Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE) which was once the regulator now is the facilitator on higher education affairs. The results is not a chaos, but an uncoordinated efforts toward e-learning. In certain universities, each department established its own e-learning facilities without bothering other departments’ efforts, let alone at the at the national level. Fourth, the cultural factors. Indonesian in general prefer talking over writing, the result of oral tradition legacy, prefer attending the lecture over self-study. Hence Indonesian students prefer to communicate or interact directly with other students and or lecturer than to communicate in a virtual way as commonly found in e-learning. What needed by Indonesia are the better coordination among e-learning operators, the grand strategy of e-learning as dictated by the higher level of decision makers and making e-learning not as e-learning itself, but as a tool to equip students to stay up to date, information technology literate and to be competitive, in a flexible way.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Indonesia, education, e-learning, culture, Information technology
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BA. Use and impact of information.
Depositing user: Imam Budi Prasetiawan
Date deposited: 18 Apr 2007
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:06


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