Skill requirements of LIS professionals in the new e-world

Sridhar, M. S. Skill requirements of LIS professionals in the new e-world. Library Science With a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies, 1999, vol. 36, n. 3, pp. 141-149. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

All pervasive information technology (e-world) has affected significantly the rendering of library and information services, but adoption of IT to library services has not been smooth. In addition to professional knowledge, librarianship is expected to have some knowledge in the areas of management, foreign languages, statistics, computers, etc. New professionals of e-world of 21st century need to have not only kowledge and skill in the areas of information technology but also matching "will" to carryout the services in the new media and means. Any significant gap between knowledge and corresponding skills required is dangerous. The paper cites various levels of skills required by LIS professionals and highlight skills starting from computer literacy to electronic publishing and marketing.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: information technology, e-world, LIS professional skills, IT skills, managerial skills
Subjects: G. Industry, profession and education. > GE. Staff.
Depositing user: Dr. M S Sridhar
Date deposited: 03 May 2007
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:07


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