Dynamic Reference Desk at Medical Division Library of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Saigaonkar, Geeta, Karira, V. and Kalyane, V. L. Dynamic Reference Desk at Medical Division Library of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre., 2005 . In State Level Conference on Qualitative Services in Academic Libraries, Amravati, India, 22-23 January 2005. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Present paper describes multidimensional necessities about the dynamic reference desk to cater quality information needed for academic as well as practice and research needs of consultant doctors, resident medical officers (RMO) and housemen, nursing staff, paramedical staff, panel doctors approved for alternative medicine, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) students for internship in hospital administration, patients, relatives of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) employees, etc.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: academic medicine, bibliotherapy, CHSS, clinical librarianship, contributary health services scheme, DAE, department of atomic energy, DNB, diplomat national board, empathy, epidemics, evidence-based medicine, hospital library, informetrics, infotherapy, lasers, library website, medical library, patients library, telemedicine
Subjects: I. Information treatment for information services > IJ. Reference work.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DK. Health libraries, Medical libraries.
Depositing user: Geeta Saigaonkar
Date deposited: 28 May 2007
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:07
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/9592


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