Edukacija korisnika u Univerzitetskoj biblioteci "Svetozar Marković" u Beogradu - uputstva i plakati

Popović, Aleksandra Edukacija korisnika u Univerzitetskoj biblioteci "Svetozar Marković" u Beogradu - uputstva i plakati. Infoteka, 2005, vol. 6, n. 1-2, pp. 69-76. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

To help the users of the University Library work more easily, and to make them aware of the range of services available, a set of instructions has been drawn up, and printed out in the form of leaflets. This short document has greatly helped improve relations between library staff and users; it shows users how to use the OPAC, the Internet, e-mail and electronic journals. Of course, staff are still on hand to give individual assistance, but more efficiently, since the instructions help most users to find their way around independently. Users now perform more complex searches, using electronic databases. Posters have been placed in the most appropriate spaces at faculties of the Belgrade University, in order to efficiently inform the largest possible number of students and other potential users of the Library's services.

Serbian abstract

U Univerzitetskoj biblioteci su napravljena uputstva kako bi se olakšao rad korisnicima i kako bi se oni i sami mogli upoznati iz ovih pisanih informacija šta sve mogu u Biblioteci da koriste. Ovim kratkim informacijama ostvareni su mnogo bolji kontakti bibliotekar — korisnik. U njima se korisniku pružaju detaljnija uputstva kako može sam da koristi npr. elektronski katalog, Internet, elektronske časopise ili elektronsku poštu. Naravno da su informatori i bibliotekari, i pored uputstava, i dalje u prilici da pružaju usmene informacije, ali je ta pomoć sada efikasnija, jer uputstva pomažu korisnicima u njihovom lakšem samostalnom snalaženju u Biblioteci, kao i u obrazovanju korisnika za složenija pretraživanja, npr. elektronskih izvora informacija. I plakat, na kome su kratko opisane usluge Univerzitetske biblioteke, koji je postavljen na odgovarajućim mestima na fakultetima, služi efikasnijem obaveštavanju što većeg broja studenata i drugih potencijalnih korisnika.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: obrazovanje korisnika, uputstva, plakat, univerzitetske biblioteke, user education, leaflets, posters, university libraries
Subjects: G. Industry, profession and education. > GH. Education.
Depositing user: Biljana Kosanovic
Date deposited: 02 Jul 2008
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:11

Available Versions of this Item


Macewan, B. : Understanding users’ needs and making collections choices, Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, 23(3): 315- 320, 1999

Shank J.D. : The emergency of learning objects: The reference librarian’s role, Research Strategies, Articles in press, 2005

Courtney K., Patalong S. : Integrated information skills – a case study using the virtual lerning environment WebCT, Education Libraries Journal, 45(1): 7-11, 2002


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