Two ways of evaluation research utilization at academic library system in the Czech Republic

Šidlichovská, Zuzana Two ways of evaluation research utilization at academic library system in the Czech Republic., 2010 . In EQUALSOC SUMMER SCHOOL 2010 for PhD students, held by Equalsoc and ECSR, Trento (Italy), 23-27 August 2010. (Unpublished) [Conference paper]

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English abstract

This theoretically based paper deals with two ways of evaluation research utilization at academic library system in the Czech Republic. It is organized in five sections. The changes in current society and their influence in the field of academic library system are reflected. Furthermore on the basis of current situation, it outlines the need of evaluation research. The second part of this paper provides a short review of the most popular evaluation research approaches applied in practice. The paper presents two ways of evaluation research utilization at academic library system. In the first instance, evaluation research can be used for the analysis of relations between systems of academic, research and information service institutions (especially on the example of academic libraries). The second possibility indicates formative evaluation research as a tool for improving the effectiveness of internal processes and procedures at academic libraries. In conclusion, the outputs based on this paper are shortly summed and some of the findings are recommended for the implementation.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: evaluation, evaluation research, academic libraries system, The Czech Republic, formative evaluation
Subjects: D. Libraries as physical collections. > DD. Academic libraries.
F. Management.
Depositing user: Zuzana Šidlichovská
Date deposited: 10 Feb 2011
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:18


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