Specjalista informacji 2.0? Bibliotekarz dziedzinowy 2.0? Nowa forma przewodników po zasobach - LibGuides

Derfert-Wolf, Lidia Specjalista informacji 2.0? Bibliotekarz dziedzinowy 2.0? Nowa forma przewodników po zasobach - LibGuides. Biuletyn EBIB, 2011, vol. 1/119. [Journal article (Unpaginated)]

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English abstract

In a first part the article describes presently used methods of creating recommended links and subject guides on libraries websites. The author stresses the fact that reference services have static construction, usually based on html, which makes them difficult to up-date for librarians lacking special qualifications. The other significant disadvantage of reference services is that they reach with difficulties the young generation of users, who most frequently visit on-line social services. Then the author presents more up-to-date solutions, such as dynamic and interactive webpages, introducing Web 2.0 tools, which for several years have been used by libraries all over the world in subject services development. As an example of such a service the LibGuides, the most popular product, is described. The platform functions and variety of possible applications are shown.

Item type: Journal article (Unpaginated)
Keywords: subject guides, reference guides, e-learning, reference servises, Web 2.0., LibGuides
Subjects: H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HP. e-resources.
I. Information treatment for information services > IJ. Reference work.
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Lidia Derfert-Wolf
Date deposited: 02 Jun 2012
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:22
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/17049


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