Applying Action Process to Improve Team Learning Effectiveness

Cordes, Christopher Sean Applying Action Process to Improve Team Learning Effectiveness., 2013 [Preprint]

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English abstract

Prior to advances in communication technology, organizational teams typically operated in face-to-face (FTF) configurations (Lojeski, et al., 2006). Changes in business requirements and advances in technology over the last 25 years have contributed to a shift in work structures. (Guzzo & Dickson, 1996). Along with this, advances in technology such as high speed internet connection, virtual communication, and collaboration tools have supported the move to the virtual work environment. This has had significant impact on the type of workplace skills required (Pont, 2001). These conditions have created an imperative for tools and techniques that can maximize virtual team effectiveness (Stevens & Campion, 1994). This is especially critical for students entering the job market. Reports providing recommendations for workforce preparations identify a number of critical skills for success in the modern workplace (Conference Board of Canada, 2006; Society for Human Resource Management and, 2008). Many of these skills relate to information technology use and information gathering and sharing, including: technical literacy, information gathering, critical thinking and problem solving. This article highlights the importance of action process in team learning function, and offers practical strategies for applying action process structure to improving team learning outcomes.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: online_learning teams vritual_teams inforamtion_sharing
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BA. Use and impact of information.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BG. Information dissemination and diffusion.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CD. User training, promotion, activities, education.
F. Management.
Depositing user: Christopher Sean Cordes
Date deposited: 17 Sep 2013 01:01
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:27


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