El sinsentido de hablar de literatura gris en la época 2.0

Martínez-Méndez, Francisco-Javier and López-Carreño, Rosana El sinsentido de hablar de literatura gris en la época 2.0. El profesional de la información, 2011, vol. 20, n. 6, pp. 621-626. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The rapid progress that ICTs have introduced to our field is not always accompanied by updates of the theoretical bases that sometimes are in danger of becoming obsolete and useless. An example of this problem is the concept of “grey literature”, which remains practically unchanged in the textbooks and study manuals written in Spanish. This has not been the case at an international level, where various international conferences have been organized to update this discipline. While the attempt was noteworthy, in the current context of web 2.0 the concept does not seem justified. The traditional differentiating features used by the proponents of this idea, and many of those that have been added over time, have become obsolete. Today it makes no sense to hold on to grey literature.

Spanish abstract

El vertiginoso avance que las TIC han introducido en nuestro campo no está siempre acompañado de actualizaciones de las bases teóricas, que corren peligro de convertirse en obsoletas e inservibles. Un ejemplo de este problema es el concepto “literatura gris”, que prácticamente permanece inalterable en los textos y manuales de estudio en castellano. Esto no ha sido así a nivel internacional, donde han tenido lugar distintas conferencias para actualizar esta disciplina. Si bien el intento fue digno de mención, en el contexto actual de la web 2.0 el concepto de literatura gris no parece justificarse. Los clásicos hechos diferenciadores esgrimidos por los defensores de esta idea y muchos de aquellos que se han añadido a lo largo del t iempo, han ido quedando obsoletos. Hoy en día no tiene sentido hablar de literatura gris

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Literatura gris, Internet, Web, Conceptualizaciones, Análisis teórico, Grey literature, Conceptualization, Theoretical analysis.
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AA. Library and information science as a field.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AB. Information theory and library theory.
E. Publishing and legal issues.
H. Information sources, supports, channels.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HB. Gray literature.
H. Information sources, supports, channels. > HS. Repositories.
L. Information technology and library technology
L. Information technology and library technology > LC. Internet, including WWW.
Depositing user: Francisco-Javier Martinez-Mendez
Date deposited: 12 Jan 2015 21:54
Last modified: 13 Jan 2015 07:42
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/24269


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