Repositório de Informação do Município de Ponte de Lima (RIMPL)

Freitas, Cristiana Repositório de Informação do Município de Ponte de Lima (RIMPL)., 2015 . In Encontro Arquivos da Administração Pública, Lisboa, 2-3 de julho de 2015. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

Whereas the integration of information systems is one of the key factors for competitiveness and for creating added in organizations value, taking into account the satisfaction of the citizen / customer, the Ponte de Lima Municipality has implemented another project, pioneer in administration site entitled " Repositório de Informação do Município de Ponte de Lima (RIMPL)", which consists in providing a common graphical interface search the catalogs archive, Library and Municipal Museums, avoiding thus the need for access each of the systems individually to obtain the desired information. The project's general objectives: i) providing access to information contained in sectoral catalogs - archive, library and museums - from a single interface integrated research; ii) ensure more effective management of information resources; iii) provide more and better services to citizens; iv) increase and boost knowledge and research on the history of Ponte de Lima county (since the 14th century to the present). The technological solution used to meet the fulfillment of these goals was the Retrievo® software, a portal that allows content aggregation and federated search from multiple sources of disparate information. In the context of this project the sources of information correspond to the databases that support the file information, libraries and museums. The portal RIMPL is available on the Internet from address. The repository currently has over 80,000 records from three databases (file, libraries and museums). A user that addresses this portal can easily search and retrieve content stored on any of these sources of information. In short, this project aims to establish itself as an important service in providing informati¬vos resources on local history, contributing to the affirmation of the culture and local identity while integrating factors, competitiveness and development. We believe that the future and sustainability of archives, libraries and museums before the rapid social and technological change goes, undoubtedly, convergence and sharing of knowledge, skills, methodologies, techniques and information resources in order to offer more and better services to its customers. If the so-called "memory institutions" are not able to reinvent themselves and to make the transition from passive custodial mediation to put the focus on open access to information, they risk to become obsolete.

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Repositório digital, Instituições de Memória, Interoperabilidade, Acesso, Portais agregadores
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BG. Information dissemination and diffusion.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CE. Literacy.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DC. Public libraries.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DL. Archives.
D. Libraries as physical collections. > DM. Museums.
Depositing user: Cristiana Freitas
Date deposited: 16 Mar 2016 08:40
Last modified: 16 Mar 2016 08:40


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